Pregnancy/cervical problems/bleeding/colposcopy

Hi ladies, 

Just looking for some advice & reassurance. 

I've had symptoms of gynaelogical problems for a few years now (spotting, heavy bleeding, irregular periods, pain during sex, recurrent utis & recurrent thrush, odd vaginal discharge) 

Fast forward to now I'm 18 weeks pregnant and have had 10 bleeding episodes since I was 13 weeks pregnant. 3 bleeds in the past week. I was examined on Sunday and they found a cervical ectopcion, the doctor asked me when I last had a smear, and because I'm only 22 I've never had one, she said as soon as I've had the baby I need to have one and that they were going to write up that I need one.

Now I've had another bleeding episode today (Wednesday) passed a clot, mix of red and brown blood. I was examined again and they've said aswell as my cervical ectopcion I've got abnormal cells and they are referring me to colposcopy clinic to have a colposcopy and biopsy of my cervix, I should have a appointment within 2 weeks they will call me. She said it can't wait until after the baby. 

I'm just worried and confused. Does this mean they suspect cervical cancer? 


  • Hi Georg,

    I think they are doing the right thing, getting you checked out now, instead of later. That way, if there is something to be treated, you can incoporate into your current healthcare. I feel like it is better to know what your dealing with, if anything, than worry the entire pregnancy. I'm alot older than you and one thing I've learned is that us ladies can have all sorts of things going on "down there" and it isn't always cancer. Another thing I've learned is to always get things checked out, don't wait and worry!  Good Luck! Let us know how you are doing.

    Laura xx