Waiting for breast clinic, forgot to tell GP about lump on s

First time posting here. I went to GP on 30.11.20 & have been referred to Breast Clinic for lump in right breast. Appt is on 14th Dec (but it feels like months as it gets nearer). I totally forgot to mention to Dr about a soft lump on my right shoulder (it's been there ages). I'm now getting so anxious about my appt (had a few in the past, all clear but I'm now over 50 & this just feels so different). Do you think they'll check the lump on my shoulder for me at same time??

  • Hello Sarahbella69,

    It's great that your tests have come back clear so far, but I can understand you're feeling nervous. It might be a good idea to write some questions down before your appointment. This might help you feel more prepared. It helps to talk through all your concerns with your doctor.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia