How long do results take?

I have my scan tomorrow morning, does anyone know or have experience on how long it takes to get results?

Will it be a case of the longer it takes the better the news is?

Also, do you know if they get sent back to the doctor if they are ok or would I hear direct from the hospital if its bad news?

I have no idea


  • Hello Mrs_B2020, 

    I hope that your scan went well yesterday. I think it can depend a bit on the type of scan it is but if you didn't get to ask them yesterday, perhaps you could give the hospital where you had the scan done a call and you could  try and find out from them how long these results tend to take. They will also be able to tell you whether the results will be sent back to the doctor or if you would hear directly from the hospital. 

    I hope you find out more about this soon! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator