Glands swollen doctors aren’t concerned

In March I began to have a sore throat that continued on and off for months. It wasn't until July I decided to contact the doctor as my lymph nodes in my neck were swollen. I had blood tests & a throat swab but everything came back normal. He put it down to stress as I was getting married in August and planning a Covid wedding could have caused this. Anyway. After the wedding I was referred to the specialist at the hospital  because I was concerned about my swollen lymph node that didn't go down was hurting me, & the sore throat was causing me pain. Since July I was getting Cronic pain in the one side of my neck where the lymph node was, terrible sore throat and the pain would come and go at any time of the day or night. The specialist told me not to worry, didn't think it was anything to be concerned about and that I could be run down, but booked me for an ultrasound scan just incase because I was so concerned. The ultrasound came back ok. Anyway the pains and lymph node started to ease but recently I've had the sore throats & the pain again in my lymph node on the one side of my neck and also a gland has become swollen under my throat. Ive told my doctor & he wants to see me again for another blood test and for an examination. He's also perscribed me with 6 weeks worth of acid reflux tablets to see if my symptoms ease.  The thing is I'm so worried. I'm convinced I have lymphoma or some other kind of cancer the doctors don't think I do because I've been referred to the specialist, had blood tests and ultrasound that has come back ok.  I'm just wondering if anyone has had anything similar?? I'm 27 years old & I'm so worried. Thanks 

  • Hi soph!


    ive had two ultrasounds and one mri (without contrast) because I have a lymph node under my jaw (a few actually but one very long one), one next to my bone where a mans Adam's apple would be, one in my armpit (apparently there's two) and one on the dreaded collarbone. This has been for a year now. 

    ive been told it's nothing sisnister and have convinced myself I too have lymphoma this whole time. I've found another girl through this forum 28 who is the exact same she has a few jotted all over her too. We have been told it's due to breastfeeding (armpit ones) and because we are slim (neck ones) but I'm a 10-12 and average not slim but apparently these are just normal. I have managed to feel a couple in my dad and my fiancé to help reassure me. I am 25 on Sunday btw so roughly same age!

    I hope you get some reassurance from your doctor soon x