I'm so worried about having a pet scan especially potential side effects of the injection? Is it all that bad? Thanks xx

  • Hi - I haven't had one but have accompanied someone who found PET scan very much easier than tests for peripheral neuropathy (which I'm guessing you might have had from something else I read but didn't have time to reply then and was hoping someone else with first-hand experience would do so). Didn't say injection at all painful. Just described whole thing as very boring because you have to stay still and for that scan because it was of brain person I was with was not allowed to read or do anything whilst waiting for glucose to be taken up. Essentially it's just sugar with a tracer added. Try not to stress. Wishing you well. Again if this is off-track apologies as I'm in a huge rush. But I think you will find it less bad than you are fearing. Good luck!

    It's several years back now. I don't recollect any side-effects just needed to stay away from pregnant women and children, not use public toilet (they had separate one on-site for patients to use) for several hours after. I forget how long exactly. Sorry I can't be more helpful. But really I was with someone who did complain about lots of tests and PET scan wasn't one that got complaints beyond the boredom element.X

  • Hi thank you so much. I've had the tracer! I'm still waiting for the scan part it wasnt bad at all. I'm such a worrier. Don't apologise I really appreciate you commenting and yes its perhipeal neuropathy that isnt typical so my consultant wants to investigate further. Thanks so much again xxx