Hpv positive but no abnormal cells

So I had my smear test rushed through as I've been having abnormal bleeding for over a year no so in between  periods and after intercouse 

my results come back positive but no abnormal cells so I have to go back to my gp for more test 

should I be worried as I know that irregular bleeding can be a symptom of cervical cancer and was hoping my smear results all come back negative , I don't know what will happen next 

  • HI Jiddo and welcome to the forum.

    You can find out more about screening results and what will happen next just here but if you'd like to discuss your results in more detail with one of our cancer nurses then you're welcome to give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they'll do all they can to answer your questions and hopefully put your mind at ease.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator



  • Hi there


    Are you being referred for a colposcopy do you know? 


    I had irregular bleeding which led to me having a smear test - this came back as HPV positive with borderline abnormal cells. I then had a colposcopy and biopsy, which confirmed the cells had returned to normal. 


    I was told at the time that HPV and low grade cell changes (although you have none) don't actually cause any symptoms, so I'm wondering if your bleeding is unrelated to your cervix. For me, I've also had ultrasounds and STI swabs to see what it was (as I also have back pain) but think the bleeding was just down to some extreme stress I was feeling at the time.


    Is there anything else you could put it down to? I'm sure your GP will discuss this with you anyway.


  • Hiya thanks for your response, yea I've been refferered for a colposcopy but not urgent, 


    ive had a number of ultra sounds and swabs done as these symptoms have been going on for over a year now they originally thought it was due to ovarian cyst which have now gone , and they have ruled everything else out so have also been referred to gyne so I guess is just a waiting game now for more test and more results 


    it's stressful not knowing what going on but I guess it's a Positive sign I have no abnormal cells , I'm glad your results come back , thank you for your response xx

  • Hi , I   know it's been a while but did you get your results back? 
    Im 32. I have been having irregular bleeding and heavy/longer periods with  small blood clots for around 3 months now.

    I went for a smear test and I was told my results show positive HPV but no abnormal cells. I was told I can go for another smear test in 3 months time and the doctor wouldn't refer me for a colposcopy. 

    The doctor isn't taking me seriously and I'm sick with worry. Not a day goes by that I don't stress about this.

    im thinking of paying privately for a colposcopy.