Worried about appointment with gynaecological oncology


So for the past 2½ week's I've been suffering with pelvic pains. When it all started I was woken at 4am with stabbing pains in my low left followed with full pelvic and lower back pain. It was the weekend so tried dealing with it best I could before ringing for a gp app the Monday. Ended up having a phone call consultation and he told me it could just be pains from the end of my period and left it at that. The next day I rang again trying to get an app as I thought maybe it's a bladder infecrion. The doctor on the phone said it's probably adhesions from 4 C-sections and have had adhesions removed in the past. The 3rd day of constant pain, I couldn't take it anymore and rang 111, he said it's period pains ( I finished my period a week before). And he prescribed Naproxen. The day after that I was in agony and couldn't walk so rang 111 again and he got me an appointment with the gp within the hour. Go did an examination and sent me to gynea emergency at QA. They admitted me and did a vaginal scan. It bloody hurt. She said my left ovary was no where to be seen and I had a mass within my cervix was sent for an urgent MRI scan that evening. They discharged me and 4 days later I received a patient portal message from gynaecological oncology for the following week. Which is on Thursday and I'm really worried. I'm mainly worried that it meantions gynaecological oncology. I'm due to go back to work Monday with the continuous pains. Ive missed my class but not sure I'm going to cope standing all day. 


Anyone else gone received a gynaecological oncology app soon after and MRI?. 

  • Hi Heidi1234,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read that you've been experiencing these issues and I can imagine the uncertanty must be unsettling. It's good that you persevered with the appointments and getting answers.

    I can certainly understand your worries - try not to assume anything; keep yourself busy this week to keep your mind off things if you can, and then try to go to the appointment on Thursday with any questions you may have.

    I also hope the appointment today helps.

    We're always here for support if you need it at any point.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi

    I have had a similar experience in that after my MRI I received a letter from the gynaecologic oncology for an appointment.

    i have a bit of swelling in my pelvic area and doctor fast tracked me for an ultra sound scan which showed I had a large 10cm fibroid. The radiologist seemed to think there was nothing suspicious although they had difficulty seeing my ovaries because of fibroid.  I also had a C125 blood test for ovarian cancer and it can back ok. I was referred for an MRI scan and had it  on Thursday. On Friday Got a telephone from the hospital booking me in for a telephone consultation on Monday. I also received a confirmation letter for the appointment on the patient portal.  When I read the letter I got a total shock as  it says the gynaecologic oncology team will discuss my treatment with me.  Firstly I don't even know what my diagnosis is and secondly the word oncology assumes I have cancer. I now have all weekend to wait until my appointment on Monday. I am a nervous wreck.


    Did you have your appointment with oncology after the MRI?  I hope you are doing ok?

  • Hi, 

    I have had very similar experience, I am waiting on a telephone call tomorrow, to see if the abdonimal mass is cancer.

    i am so anxious with worry 

    What were your results? 

    I hope all is okay 

