Armpit /breast Burning

For 3 months I have had a strange sensation in my upper left breast and burning in my armpit.  I have also experienced numbness and tingling down my left arm.  
I have been to the Gp several times.  They firstly referred me to the breast clinic, who said they could feel nothing unusual but sent me for mammogram for peace of mind.  These results came back normal.  Although this is reassuring, the pain is still there in my armpit and the burning is unbearable (I'm struggling to wear a bra) I have been back to GP (who I'm sure thinks I'm bonkers!) she referred me for blood tests and MRI of my shoulder.  Bloods normal, MRI showed shoulder enthesopathy.  She described this as subtle but probable? reason for my pain.  I have been told to refer myself for counselling, as she thinks my pain could be partially psychological, as my mum passed away after a short battle with breast cancer in 2019.  
the pain is getting me so down and I don't know if anyone can offer any advice.  It's just not going away or resolving. I have been prescribed naproxen to take twice a day.  I'm managing to work but just have lots of times when I'm so low because I can't see an end to it ..... 

Thankyou for any advice in advance