Armpit /breast Burning

For 3 months I have had a strange sensation in my upper left breast and burning in my armpit.  I have also experienced numbness and tingling down my left arm.  
I have been to the Gp several times.  They firstly referred me to the breast clinic, who said they could feel nothing unusual but sent me for mammogram for peace of mind.  These results came back normal.  Although this is reassuring, the pain is still there in my armpit and the burning is unbearable (I'm struggling to wear a bra) I have been back to GP (who I'm sure thinks I'm bonkers!) she referred me for blood tests and MRI of my shoulder.  Bloods normal, MRI showed shoulder enthesopathy.  She described this as subtle but probable? reason for my pain.  I have been told to refer myself for counselling, as she thinks my pain could be partially psychological, as my mum passed away after a short battle with breast cancer in 2019.  
the pain is getting me so down and I don't know if anyone can offer any advice.  It's just not going away or resolving. I have been prescribed naproxen to take twice a day.  I'm managing to work but just have lots of times when I'm so low because I can't see an end to it ..... 

Thankyou for any advice in advance

  • Happy to answer any question! no I didn't and to be honest I kindof kept away from feeling it. the letter said  it was barely palpable.....I'm pretty sure that's why it wasn't picked up of where it was.   I suppose if it had been an anxious lump  I could clearly see or feel it would have been dealt with quicker. main thing is it's out now,  what I have to do now is stop it coming back xx

  • Thank you, I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you stay well and feel much better soon! I wish I could be as positive as you! I'm going to ring my GP in the morning and see if they can send me for an ultrasound even if it is just for peace of mind! Xxx

  • nothing would make happier x

  • I have had these same symptoms since last October aching and burning in left breast and burning travelling under arm, down side and down inside of my arm but I  feel like I'm talking to myself. I have been examined by same doctor twice. Once in November 2021 she said there's nothing there on left but can you feel that under your right arm pit (no I couldn't) she said I can't believe you can't feel that, we need to keep an eye on it (still don't know what she was talking about but when  she checked again in January this year she said no that's fine. I asked what about this in my left breast and armpit and feeling across my chest. She replied "you have benign cysts Not cancer. End of conversation. I have spoken on phone to two different doctors since. Last one told me I did not fit the criteria to be referred for a mammogram out with my 3 yearly one which is not due until October this year. I'm nearly 67 and have all this in my breast and I don't fit the criteria? Doc says last week if they tried to refer me with the symptoms I have (as in not a definite lump) it would get refused by breast clinic. I'm sitting here writing this and on fire in breast but especially under left arm. I too have thought about going private but just can't afford it. Hope all is well with you now xx

  • Hi, I also seem to have this burning on left breast and under armpit, it seems to radiate on my shoulder and down my arm. It started not to badly in the morning , but as day goes on it gets much worse, it is keeping me awake at night now too. It is worse when I am lying down. I suffer with acid reflux, but I'm sure it's nothing to do with that. Trying to get a doctors appointment is impossible, as soon as you say chest pain they say go to A&E. I really not sure what to do 

  • [@Hev999]‍ 

    Hi have just seen your post and it could have been written by me!  Have had pain in my left breast for ages - had a mammogram and ultrasound that came back clear but wasn't happy as still in so much pain.  Like you was told it was hormonal.  I then had my armpit swell up and had an ultrasound- this has picked up on two enlarged lymph nodes and I have been referred for further testing ie biopsies etc.  So angry because it has been going on for so long and I KNEW something was not right!  Now playing the waiting game but am convinced it is cancer.  Hope you are recovering well xx

  • hey treacle20 I am firstly, glad you've been referred. it does feel like they sometimes can't  work outside of the lump felt, no cancer , its wrong, I have listened to big c and me podcasts for ages and on one episode a Doctor came on and she is trying to re-educate every gp and specialist that pain can mean cancer. in an ideal world we should automatically be referred for ultrasound or more tests if we carry on complaining of pain. not everything is hormonal!  but we think they are the experts , we know nothing. I certainly did not know anything then, I do now!  I was actually relieved to find out it was cancer as perhaps now can be taken seriously. that said, when you are in the system, in my expierance everything works as it should, nurses, oncologists, radiographers are all fantastic. 

    I do read that lymph nodes can enlarge if you have an Infection so well may not be cancer related. fingers crossed. let me know if I can help you cope going forward. I'm doing really well, 2 scans now , no cancer, 4 more chemo , a break, then 15 radiotherapy  sessions to stop it returning. I've wfh reduced hours but not everyone can. 

    hopefully you'll hear soon, rejoice if all clear, one day at a time if otherwise, and they will have a plan for every scenario. I usually post more on the mcmillan site x


    I am in North Hampshire x

  • Thank you so much for replying so promptly- good to speak to someone who knows where I'm coming from.  TBH my gut tells me there's something wrong - currently trying to get through to the hospital to see when my appointment is.  So pleased your treatment is working - like you say one day at a time!  
    PS I'm in Essex 

    pps re the lymph nodes - had them for three months now and they're both painful and getting bigger 

  • just to reassure you that even if lymph nodes should show  something,  I had 5 of 11 infected it can all be sorted. try not to panic. Once all the appointments start they come thick n fast. but also a lot of worrisome waiting . Nhs is really struggling. as soon as I have had my chemo...there is someone after me. we do have to be patient patients! unfortunately.    I always try to be kind to the staff and now we can have banter but takes time. they are getting tins of hero's from me xx  I know it's so easy to say but not worth worrying about what you don't know. you'll get yr appointment.  xxx

  • Patience has never been my strong suit :wink  I have managed to book a private consultation with someone tomorrow morning - Would never do this under normal circumstances but my nerves are shot due to this going on for so long - doesn't help that my job involves typing up medical negligence cases.  Thank you so much for answering my posts - stops me going insane x