Armpit /breast Burning

For 3 months I have had a strange sensation in my upper left breast and burning in my armpit.  I have also experienced numbness and tingling down my left arm.  
I have been to the Gp several times.  They firstly referred me to the breast clinic, who said they could feel nothing unusual but sent me for mammogram for peace of mind.  These results came back normal.  Although this is reassuring, the pain is still there in my armpit and the burning is unbearable (I'm struggling to wear a bra) I have been back to GP (who I'm sure thinks I'm bonkers!) she referred me for blood tests and MRI of my shoulder.  Bloods normal, MRI showed shoulder enthesopathy.  She described this as subtle but probable? reason for my pain.  I have been told to refer myself for counselling, as she thinks my pain could be partially psychological, as my mum passed away after a short battle with breast cancer in 2019.  
the pain is getting me so down and I don't know if anyone can offer any advice.  It's just not going away or resolving. I have been prescribed naproxen to take twice a day.  I'm managing to work but just have lots of times when I'm so low because I can't see an end to it ..... 

Thankyou for any advice in advance

  • Hello

    I too have had a strange feeling on the outer side of my left breast and under and down my arm for seven months now. 

    Like you I have been to breast clinic where mammogram and ultra sound were normal.

    My gp at different times has prescribed gabapentin,naproxen and amitriptyline to no avail. I Di feel something pull in my breast seven months ago but I would have expected that to have healed by now. 

    I have now seen a physiotherapist 6 times who thinks it is musculoskeletal. I am not so sure, it does feel better when I have seen her but always comes back..

    I understand about worrying all of the time as this is what I do. It is constantly on my mind as soon as I wake up. 

    I try and reassure myself that mammogram etc was clear but do start to wonder!!

  • I'm contemplating getting a private breast clinic appointment  but completely confused as I should be reassured by these negative results!? Will I ever be reassured.  I just wish the feeling would go away.  I question whether it's because I'm prodding and poking around incase I have missed a lump or something ? I'm just so anxious !.  It's just not that easy when you know the pain isn't psychological .... but am I making it worse myself? There's is some element of fear after seeing what my mum went through, but told my chances of inheriting a BC gene is slim. 
    Thankyou for replying, nice to know I'm not alone.  I sometimes wonder if I'm losing the plot !!

  • Hi

    I feel the same, and have done for the past seven months. I have also been thinking of going to see somebody privately in case the breast clinic have missed something.

    The worry takes up all of my time and is so scary. Unlike you I am afraid to feel around too much in case I do feel something . 

    Do you think yours could be muscular? Pain from the chest can radiate through the breast. 

    We would probably feel better if we had an actual diagnosis.

    I hope it eases off for us both x


  • I can't deny that it could be muscular.  MRI picked up tendon damage but I'm still sure the ache is in my breast ? It's so strange and I just wish it would be gone in the morning it's more comfortable when I'm in bed - so suppose it fits with muscular skeletal problems.
    I hope you have some relief - it has been recommended to me to try curcumin as a natural anti inflammatory, might be worth a try? 

    Think this year hasn't been good for anyone's mental well-being, especially people going through times of anxiety., 

    sending good wishes x  

  • At least you were able to get an mri scan, so that is some form of reassurance.

    I did also phone the breast clinic a few weeks after I had been seen and explained that I still had pain. The nurse said some women have pain all of their lives ️. 

    Thanks for the tip about curcumin I will maybe try it as nothing the gp has prescribed has helped.

    Like you I am desperate for it to go away, and go back to life without the constant anxious feeling about it. Seven months seems such a long time. I really hope we get some relief from it soon. X

  • Hi,

    I know this is an old post but I wondered if you ever got this sorted... I am in a similar position now and constantly worried!


    thanks x

  • hi, just wanted to drop a line to say that for over  a year  I had the burning, stabbing, shooting pains in armpit and down arm but even after a breast exam and recall mammogram was told everything fine. at the mammogram recall I asked the Dr doing the ultrasound to run over my armpit and side as I had been told by my GP it was menopausal and to get a better bra and put painkilling gel on it.

    ...but was so painful and it just didn't feel right....anyway she did and said oh I wasn't expecting that..turns out I had a lump right at bottom quarter of right breast but right round the side, almost at armpit level, and she took biopsies of the lump and the armpit,  long story short, yes, cancer! I knew it all along and I'm mad the GPS fobbed me off....anyway had lumpectomy and full lymph node clearence, still recovering at mo, whole area still numb and op was 5 weeks ago. ct scan showed in clear now.  playing the waiting game now. for chemo.  I wont say try not to worry cos we can't help it step at a time and see what they say to do/not to do.,just go get checked and please don't wait any longer.

  • Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to go through all of that!


    How scary! If you don't mind me asking what stage did they find it at? I have been told it's likely to be muscular pains but to me it doesn't explain the burning feeling in armpit. I think my GP is fed up of hearing from me about it all!


    I hope you recover fully soon and feel much better xx

  • it may just be muscular! hopefully! but for a year I thought menopausal symptoms...turned out to be a grade 2  3 cm tumour and staged at 3a as had gone to lymph nodes in armpit ...said on my report there was evidence the cancer had spread out of lode...I'm convinced that was my armpit pain. I haven't had that pain again since op so that proves it, to me anyway x  if you're not happy then ask for ultrasound actually in armpit area. wish I had insisted...may have got it earlier and wouldn't have needed chemo. can't change past! have a good feel right round the far edge of boobs ...I personally think they didn't check far round enough in my case. if I hadn't of said something at the mammogram recall...I'd be in even a worse scenario xx 

  • Could you feel the lump once they'd spotted it on the ultrasound? Xx