How long do you have to wait for a colonoscopy? How long doe

Hi. I have recently started getting tummy cramps. This turned into blood in my stool 3 weeks ago. Since then I have had blood in my stool (mainly darker red), worsening cramps on some days, diarrhoea occasionally, an increased need to go to the toilet and normally I have a fragmented or stringy poo, much more bloatedness and gas, funny noises in my tummy like something is moving through it. 

There is no consistency to the symptoms and on a few occasions I seem to have had a properly formed poo with no blood in it. 

I have seen my go and had blood tests done. The results were all normal other than a slightly higher C-reactive protein. My lymphocytes were also slightly increased. My stool samples all came back normal. The go couldn't feel anything abnormal on inspecting my stomach or on a digital rectal exam.

the doctor said these test results look good, and I have been referred to an nhs outpatient appointment next week. I am also pursuing an appointment privately.
I am now really frightened that I may have bowel cancer. Does the above sound similar to anyone? How long does it take to have a colonoscopy afternoon your hospital appointment? How long does it take to get any results?


  • Welcome to the forum Shirley although I'm sorry about the symptoms you've been experiencing lately.

    The wait for appointments and the results will differ depending on what part of the country you're in as some areas may be experiencing delays or backlogs due to the pandemic so it would be best to get in touch with the hospital to find out more.

    It's reassuring to see you've had good results from your other tests but it's understandable to still be worried. Sometimes knowing what will happen at your appointment can help calm the nerves so I hope this information we have about the colonoscopy will help.

    Wishing you all the best with your appointment when the time comes.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator