Bleeding for 16 days & pain in lower right

Hi. I am 24 years old.

on the 21st of October. I suffered serve cramps with faintness/ nausea & sweats.

I have been bleeding ever since, constantly a red normal flow.

I have had serve back pain some days and also dull aches constantly in across my lower stomach which has now recently in the last 5/6 become concreated on my lower right. 
I feel a bloated ness and swelling around the area constantly and sometimes completely lose my appetite.

I am worried and scared as I am not on contraception and have not been for the past year. 
I have contacted my GP and she has sent me for a blood test which I am awaiting results .

a out of hours GP tested me via strip tests for pregnancy and infection and both come back negative.

I am anxious and knowing that something is NOT RIGHT.

if my bloods show nothing , I am worried about how long I will have to wait to get a answer for what I am expierencing.

has anyone got any tips or advice? 
I am worried I do have cancer. 
many thanks in advance ladies.. 

  • Hello Brirose, 

    All you can do now is wait for the results of this blood test and hopefully it won't take too long for these results to come through and to get advice from the doctor as to what the next steps might be. Try to resist the urge to look anything up on Google as it will make you worry even more. The best thing to do while you are waiting is to keep distracted and focused on other things if you can and not to anticipate what it might be. It won't be long now until you get some definite answers. 

    I hope you get some answers soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator