Hi everyone I'm really hoping to just talk to people and be able to support and be supported by people going through similar experiences. Long story short my dr yesterday said she was doing a urgent referral to the breast clinic and also had the nurse take blood. So I am awaiting the call to confirm my appointment. I have a very painful thickened lump that is not smooth under my right breast which around 5 years ago had a cyst that could not be pierced by the needle to remove. Under my breast has been very uncomfortable and unable to wear a wired bra for months the other night I felt my breast and it was so sore where the lump is and that area the rest of my breast is ok just heavy and my left breast is fine no tenderness so not to do with my period I looked in the mirror and was shocked to see my breast indints and has some dimples in the area of the lump it also feels like it goes into my rib. Ive come on here as just feel like I need to talk about it as I feel numb inside as I have 3 children one who is severely mentally disabled and he lives in full time residential since last year so my concern is more for them than myself as that's my fear of if it is breast cancer I'm scared of leaving them. I'm the one who is always putting on a brave face and always keep strong and still will but at least if I come on here and be honest and tell you that I'm scared and hopefully be supported through this anxious time and also help others going through the same so we can keep each other strong and positive but also be here in our low times as I'm sure this is going to feel like a rollercoaster for the next few weeks. Love and strength going out to everyone at what ever situation you are in right now ️