I (22) made a post here saying that I found an enlarged lymph node on the side of my neck just over a week ago (on Saturday night) with no idea how long its been there as I have not been ill and can't explain it. It's about the size of a bean (maybe smaller), quite soft to me at least and very mobile but hasn't changed and I have no other symptoms. I went to my gp a couple of days later who examined me and found quite a few others on the other side (I can't feel them) and said this is what you'd usually see in a viral illness and to wait a few weeks and if nothing changes then to go back.
Well, I've managed to work myself up so much about lymphoma (which my brain is convinced I have) that I have scheduled a private ultrasound for lymph nodes on Thursday. The lady doing it isn't an ENT though but is an expert radiologist and she explains what she sees and then sends a full report with images to your email to take to your gp (this is a legit private ultrasound surgery). What I'm wondering is how I should proceed if it shows something that needs further tests e.g biopsy as I am a student quite a distance from home and if, god forbid, this turns out to be something nasty, I will obviously be going back home. Has anyone had experience with this? I will of course contact my gp immediately but will my gp send it over to an ENT and arrange stuff or is that something I would have to do? I just want to be prepared, it helps to control my anxiety if I have some sort of action plan sorted.