Swelling near collarbone

Hi  i am 11years post op for breast cancer had mastectomy,chemo,and rads,3weeks ago felt a boney lump near my collarbone went to gp who sent me for an x ray which came back normal .Was very relieved as i am a very anxious person:gp then said i should have a ultra sound scan which im having this saturday im so nervous and cant help thinking my cancer has come back !!

i forgot to mention i do have lymphodeama in my rightarm which i manage with compression sleeve and excersise

i thought it may be some swelling or scarring in the chest wall area but im so worried its bringing back all the memories from when i was first diagnosed :

I did ask if she thought it could be a recurrence she said she didnt think so and not to worry easier said than done

thank you for listening :


  • Hello Maisie54

    I noticed that you're due to go for your ultrasound today. Just wanted to pop on and wish you all the best. 

    I hope that you get some reassurance from the scan. Do let us know how you get on. 
    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hello Jenn,

    thanks for your reply I attended the scan ,but have no result as the technician said I would have to discuss the results with my gp probably on Monday.

    i did ask if they looked suspicious he then replied that there was something there but would not say any more.

    Not sure how to interpret that ,but I am extremely anxious and thinking the worst as I’ve already had bc nearly eleven years ago.

    my husband has tried to calm me down as have my two daughters,and that I should not think it is cancer all the time easier said than done.

    monday is not long to wait but I think my gp will probably want further investigation s and that means more waiting !not sure I can handle to much more ,but gp did say she could give me something to help me relax if need be .

    will keep you updated and thank you for thinking of me x