Moveable lump between shoulder joint and breast


I discovered a lump between my shoulder and my breast. It's hard to describe the area but with my arm down it is just above when my armpit starts ( not under my arm).

I went to my GP and saw a nurse who referred me for a scan. To cut a long story short, the referral has been passed from pillar to post, rejected at my local hospital and finally accepted at a one stop breast clinic. I have already been waiting for over two weeks and have today found out my appointment is in another two weeks time. I'm thankful to have an appointment but it feels a long way away. Also I've been told my appointment is not for a scan but to see a consultant. Is this normal? It feels like a lot of fuss to see a consultant when I don't even know what it is yet!

  • I'm sorry to read the frustrating journey you've been on to try and have your lump seen.

    Hopefully some of our members who have experienced their appointment being with a consultant instead of having a scan will let you know what happened to them soon but if you'd like to have a quick chat with one of our nurses about this then you're welcome to give them a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Wishing you all the best for two weeks time Lansy.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hello  

    Many thanks for getting back to me!

    Apparantly because of where the lump is they have requested I go to a one stop breast clinic to ensure I have a follow up with a consultant. The actual appointment is with a consultant with no mention of a scan, so hopefully he will be able to decide what happens next. I'm just so desperate for the lump to be scanned so I can be told it's all ok! 

    As time has gone on and the lump hasn't gone down I've been getting myself more and more concerned!


    thanks for taking the time to reply


  • Thanks for your reply and for the contact number, much appreciated x