Lump didn’t show on ultrasound

Hi all, 

I was referred to the breast clinic after noticing a lump in my breast, my GP confirmed he could feel what I could and thought it was normal breast tissue but referred me anyway. The consultant again confirmed he felt the lump and said he was confident it was Fibroadenoma as I was young (25) I had the ultrasound and the radiographer again felt the lump and proceeded with the scan... she told me she couldn't see anything no cyst no or fibradenoma and she was confident I could just feel the edge of my breast tissue.

of course I was relieved, I'm assuming I will get some confirmation of the results at a later date. But Now I've had time to think I'm a little worried why nothing showed of we all could feel it? 

does lumpy breast tissue "look" like normal breast tissue on an ultrasound? Has anyone had this experience? 

I'm in no way doubting the radiographer I just wish I had asked there and then :) 

  • Hi Amy and welcome to the forum.

    Unfortunately no-one here can really answer this question but once your results have come through do be sure to have a chat with your doctor as they will be able to advise on this and answer any other questions that may have popped up whilst waiting for your results.

    Hopefully some of our members will be along soon to offer their support and advice and we'll have our fingers crossed the results bring good news when the time comes.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi did anything more come of your situation as I'm.going through similar 

  • Hi Worried,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are in a similar situation to Amy. I don't know whether or not you noticed that this post is over 3 years old, so don't be surprised if you don't get a reply. I am not a doctor, but I understand that a lot of women have naturally lumpy breasts and I wonder if this might be the case with you?

    Have you had tests carried out and if so, what were you told about the results of these?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    I just realised it's old but thanks for the reply. I've had two ultrasounds - first one in august which radiology told me there was no lump just a dense area of breast tissue.

    Then I had another in Oct - same thing just normal lumpy bresst tissue. Radiology won't do the biopsy as they don't biopsy normal tissue they've said. 

    The consultant had told me he's not concerned but wants to get me in for a biopsy anyway which he will do in the day ward. I've been told I've to wait till January as there's no slots available and it's not urgent.

    I'm just so worried but trying to remind myself of all the positives especially the two scans I've had.

  • I'm also 30 and have no family history of BC x

  • Hi Worried,

    Is there any particular reason why you do not feel reassured by the results of the two ultrasounds? It sounds as if your consultant is doing his best to put your mind to rest, by carrying out a biopsy in the New Year. We all tend to hone in on the worst case scenario, when we are waiting for results, but, by all accounts, it sounds as if you might be one of the lucky ones and have every reason to remain positive.

    Please keep in touch and let us knowhow you get on in January - do you have a date yet. Remember, that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    I guess I just feel I'm being told one thing then they're doing another. I didn't think I'd have to have a biopsy so it just really freaked me out especially as I've had two scans that are clear. But there is a large lump and I'm not sure why it'd not showing up or showing as normal tissue. 

    But you're right it is very reassuring as if it was something sinister I'm sure it would be visible on one or both scans at this point as this is going on months now. The radiologist is a consultant breast radiologist herself and she said she seen no reason for me to have biopsy done. But the breast surgeon consultant said best to have one just to be doubly sure. I just feel in limbo as i wish it was just a straight forward cyst as a reason for the lump. 

    Thank you though for reminding me of all these things as it helps when I'm reminded that I'm more than likely worrying for nothing


  • Hi Worried,

    Not all lumps show up on ultrasound or mammogram. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer and neither lump showed up. I discovered both when I was showering. That was 14 years ago and I am still living life to the full. Surgeons see so many different types of breast cancer that they can almost detect them by feel. It is good that your surgeon doesn't see anything untoward, but helpful that he is prepared to do the biopsy, just to put your mind to rest.

    I know that the waiting time is always scary, but I sincerely hope that all will turn out well in the end. In the meantime, we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • So your cancer didn't show on ultrasound? This is very worrying

  • My cancer was mucinous cancer on both occasions. This is a rare form of cancer, which only about 1% of people get. It can sometimes evade detection on scans, but fortunately, it is one of the less aggressive types.


    Jolamine xx