Swelling in armpit with pins and needles.

So in July I experienced a tugging sensation in my right armpit, neck, shoulder and arm pain and pins and neeedles down my right arm. I was referred to physiotherapy and they gave me some exercises to do and I also saw a chiropractor privately which all helped to reduce the neck pain. In the meantime I noticed a swelling in my right armpit and the physio said to get this checked out as this did not fit with her diagnosis of an irritated nerve. GP examined me but said to give it 4 weeks and return if no better. It didn't get any better and I still have the pins and needles down my right arm which I feel is being caused by the swelling in my armpit. GP then ordered some bloods and referred for an ultrasound scan. Radiology said I need to be seen at the breast clinic but due to Covid it is taking 5 weeks to be seen. I have arranged to be seen privately on the 7 October as I feel sick with worry waiting to find out what is going on. I had a mammogram summer 19 due to a lump in my right breast which had gone down by the time I went to the appointment and was discharged. I have some eczema? on my breasts which I am now also concerned about. Will update when I have had further tests and results back in. X

  • Hello Catblood

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with this health concern for a few weeks months now. It snatural that you're feeling concerned about what may be causing your symptoms. 

    Try to keep in mind that the majority of women seen in breast clinic do not go on to be diagnosed with cancer but hopefully your appointment on Wednesday will give you some answers about what is going on. 

    Do let us know. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator