Anyone else waiting on a 2 week breast referral?

Hi, I’m 39, 2 boys aged 8&5 and very scared. Been referred today with a pea sized hard lump above my nipple. Would love to chat with anyone else going through the same x

  • I work for the NHS and its so true that its a postcode lottery x

  • I finally had my letter through this morning , basically saying I was on a waiting list and it could be 6-8 weeks before I receive a letter for my actual appointment . I just don't understand , I'm going to phone my gp Monday morning and see what's going on! I'm so worried and my symptoms just seem to be getting worse . Xxx

  • Oh that's an awful wait, I'd do the same. I know it's 2 weeks in England if it's an urgent. Yes get them to check if it's an urgent or not. God it's the waiting xx

  • I'm in Wales , it's also a two week wait for urgent . The gp said it'd be two weeks so I'm not sure what's going on! I can't understand why he wouldn't have put it down as urgent as I have quite a few symptoms (red scaley rash , white and darker patches of discoloration , fluid from nipples , changes to the size and slight dimpling of the skin) since I've seen the doctor I've also started getting shooting pains in my left breast and armpit . I'm hoping a phone call on Monday can sort it all out. It's like you said it's the waiting .. plays absolute havoc on your mental health. Just praying I can get seen sooner and get it sorted! Xx 

  • Fingers crossed for you for good news Monday. Do update us xx

  • Definitely chase it up, I don't under why it would take that long.  Let us know what they say and try not to worry, we will all get through this and we are not alone xx

  • I've just had my appointment for 12 November- that will be 9 weeks from my urgent referral by the Doctor!  How did you get on have you managed to get an earlier appointment?

  • Hi! Omggggg 9 weeks seems such a long time considering it's urgent! I contacted my doctor last Thursday and told him about the waiting list letter I received , he was gobsmacked! He's phoned them and put in for another urgent referral , it'll be a week tomorrow since he referred me AGAIN , so I'm just waiting for my letter to come through now! Fingers crossed it comes soon! Also have you tried contacting your local MP about the wait? I actually phoned the breast cancer now helpline , it's for all things cancer related , even if you just have symptoms or want some advice , they were fantastic! They said any urgent referral should be two weeks , no longer! X 

  • I was referred last Monday by my GP for an urgent review due to a lump, nipple reversion and pain. I'd already tried a course of antibiotics as a gp I had seen before that wondered if it was periductal mastitis. 
    Was still waiting so phoned today to be told the consultant had agreed it was urgent but there was a 5 week waiting list! So much for 2 weeks tops! I'm so worried and the skin has begun to discolour now too. 

  • It's horrible isn't it! I can't believe all these waiting times! It's such a worrying time isn't it , and the waiting certainly doesn't help! Hope you're ok!