Anyone else waiting on a 2 week breast referral?

Hi, I’m 39, 2 boys aged 8&5 and very scared. Been referred today with a pea sized hard lump above my nipple. Would love to chat with anyone else going through the same x

  • Oh my goodness , that seems like such a long time to wait! I thought it was two weeks wait for a referral! I've only been waiting a week and I'm already starting to get worried and impatient . I hope you're ok , if you feel you need it seeing to earlier I'd go private , I personally couldn't wait that long . Xxx

  • Hi 

    Yes it was supposed to be two weeks :( Unfortunately I think it depends where you are as to how badly Covid has affected wait times.  So frustrating!! 

    My doctor has wrote me a private referral letter so I'm going to look into the cost of getting a private appointment.  

    Hope your waiting time goes by quickly x

  • Where abouts are you from? I'm in north Wales. Currently in a local lockdown! Bless you , I hope you get it all sorted and manage to get a appointment ASAP! I understand the nhs is under a lot of pressure at the moment , but I can't believe the waiting times I'm hearing about , surely that could be fatal in some poor peoples cases! X 

  • I've just been referred as been to doctor this morning. Got an appointment for the 14th. Symptoms are painful lump in one breast and nodule in the other. I'm petrified!! Glad theres this forum for support.

  • Wow that's is a long time to wait!


    My GP assured me that it was elevtive/non urgent with waiting times. I pray he's right.


    I'm in South Yorkshire x

  • I'm in Solihull in West Midlands.  It's ridiculous.  I know it's not the NHS' fault but it feels like one section of the community is being protected at the expense of another.        :( Staying positive as much as possible.  No point worrying until you know for sure there's something to worry about.  

    I can relate to what somebody else has said on another thread in that I feel quite detached from it most the time - don't know if that's some kind of self survival instinct to get through the not knowing x

  • Your doing the right thing in trying to stay positive! Yes I get the 'feeling detached' I was the same , but then last night I think it all hit me . I really hope it all turns out ok for you , chin up lovely x 

  • Hi ladies.


    I had a letter today, my appointment is booked for 14th October, but it's at the same time I am having a suspicious lump removed from my back. I had my original appointment cancelled because of COVID and it really needs to come off. I am going to have to call the clinic on Monday at change it. Just later in the same day would be fine! What are the chances that it would fall on the same day at the same time?!


    How is everyone today? My daughters and I are trying to learn new card games today, it's so nice to spend such quality time with them.


    I hope everyone's weekend is going really well so far ans you are all finding ways to keep you busy and relaxed ️

    Becca xx

  • I had a real wobble this morning tbh. Yesterday I was fine then today wham like a tonne of bricks. I'm OK again now though. 


    I've googled private screenings as I won't wait longer than 2 weeks. I'm going to ring the hospital Mon and check they are working to the correct timings for apps xxx