Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • Hi Traciej


    Sorry...had the weekend from hell. So full of new meds I rattle. And they're making me feel sick!@  fluxo somethingorother anti biotics x 4 a diabetic tab x2

    Didnt sleep at all hardly lastnight....upset stomach...sore toe. Still awake at half two.  Up at half 3.......up again at 5 then again at half 6. I swear to god I feel as if I've been hit by a truck!!

    Missed at least 3 private number calls today..couldnt hit the button on my phone.  I'm about as much use as a wet lettuce leaf at the mo. Really really tired but cant seem to drop off for five mins.

    Cant remember whether I mentioned the podiatrist? Seeing her on Tuesday....blood tests weds. 

    The bonkers thing is I felt fine before the I feel flipping awful. I've missed calls from my breast care counsellor too........ weekend from hell.....

    No energy.... this cant be right.  Hows everybody else?


    #allinittogether xxxx


  • Thank you so much for sharing all of your stories! Im sorry to those who have been through the process and have got a cancer diagnosis, but as people have said, treatments for this are successful! 

    I just wanted to share my story as I'm driving myself round the twist and don't really have anyone to talk to! I'm 27 and found a lump on my left boob. Referred to breast clinic under 2 week fast track. I was telling myself the whole time that it would just be a cyst, had an ultrasound and instead of being informed I had a cyst I was told I needed a core biopsy. Had 3 taken. I saw the consultant afterwards who told me they had found a 1cm mass, and that she couldn't tell me anymore than that until we had the results. Also whilst having my ultrasound the radiographer scanned my underarms as well, and the more I think back to that appointment the more I'm thinking she did that because she suspects cancer! I've got a phone call with a nurse on Thursday to discuss my appointment and again I'm thinking, do they do that for everyone? I know I'm only young but that doesn't mean cancer is out of the question, and whilst I know treatments for this are extremely successful it will affect my chances of having a family, which I'm probably finding the hardest to deal with. Would love to hear from people on the group who have had a clear result after a biopsy or if they haven't, how they're dealing with their diagnosis. 

    love to all xx

  • Hi whatsnext, 

    Oh for petes sake! Well you'll sleep tomorrow when you've had your anesthetic! I take it your having a general? Which, by the way, all the very best for tomorrow, will be thinking of you. Is it day surgery?

    Sorry if I'm sounding nieve, I just don't know how long you'd be in for


    Sending love and prayers xxxxxx

  • Hi laurenky, 

    I had a lump in my left breast. Felt like a hard big lump just above my nipple. I had a mammagram and and ultrasound, the ultrasound scanned under my armpits too. He scanned everywhere on both breasts. This appears to be normal practice to me. I'm assuming he was checking everything so perhaps it doesn't mean he suspects cancer cells in the nodes, he's just being thorough. I also had 3 biopsys done as the lump had a thickening around the bottom edge which he hadn't seen before.  Thankfully results came back clear and was confirmed as a benign cyst.

    I had an appointment to get the results but my consultant rang me instead. It may because of covid there going to ring you for your results?

    Try not to worry to much, your in the best hands should it turn out to be sinister which I pray it's not 

    Keep us updated sweet 

    Best of luck xxxx

  • Thanks for replying! You've given me one less thing to not overthink about! Interesting that you had a core biopsy and it still came back as a cyst. I thought if it was a cyst they used the needle biopsy? Or is this what you had done? 

    Mine is actually a hard lump just below the nipple on my left breast. Yes I've been told they will call me with my biopsy results if I do not need further treatment (covid) but if it's something that needs treating then I will need to come back to the clinic to discuss. I actually think this is so cruel and would rather everyone was called back although I understand why we need restrictions. 

    But the phone call with the nurse was something completely different, I don't know if they are calling me just to double check that I took everything in from the initial consultation because I was a crying mess, or if this is just standard practise for my NHS trust. 

    I will keep everyone updated. 

    Thanks again TracieJ xxx

  • Hi Traciej


    All cancelled until the toe and diabetes are sorted.



    #allinittogether x

  • Ahh no @whatnext64  I was sitting thinking about you going in today and that things were finally starting to move forward for you,  I am sending some prayers and love your way

  • Bless your heart.

    That means so much at the mo xx


    #allinittogether xxx

  • Oh god really? It's getting ridiculous now isn't it?! Keep your spirits up darling, how is the toe today? Have you managed to get any decent sleep at all?

    Love and hugs 


  • Hi Traciej

    Slept like a log last night...cheated took x2 lorazepam. Needed to rest but couldnt let it go for some reason. Anyway had excellent from my counsellor this morning....she always lightens my mood bless her. Himselds done the hoovering....I've done the polishing. Put a new dressing on me toe.....sort of lol.  Matron wouldn't approve it.

    Off to dive into a pile of dvds  ..theres a Bette davis in there somewhere.....


    Lots of love




    #allinittogether xxxx