Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • Well I am joining the "in bits club" I have mastectomy booked for 25th November, CT scan to be booked before to see if it's spread. It's in my right armpit  lymph nodes. Husband is shaken he knows nothing about breast cancer and just assumes the worst when he hears lymph nodes !! I must say I think I'm going to find it's everywhere too. 14 day isolation from Wednesday. We Can Do This .... x 

  • I do think I'm gunna call me gp Monday and see if there's anything I do do to help me sleep I'm barely getting 4 hours a night lately. 


    oh a broken toe absolutely kills I did that the beginning of the year and it hurt for about 5/6 days but ached for a few weeks. Just keep it up and keep it elevated to stop swelling. 

    I also love the support on here, it is nice to be able to speak to someone who is going through the same feelings as urself 


    xxx thank u


  • Hello, I'm glad u have a game plan started now. We are strong women and all of us can beat this. Is very scared and Daunting but we have a great nhs. 

    did u have it mri after all it other test. I was told yesterday I need one during my ultrasound. I didn't ask question cause was heartbroken with the fact my consultant was 99% sure it was cancer. 

    do I mind me asking what the mri is for and how was it's. what was the results. Also I had 2 worrying looking lymph nodes  found during my ultra sound which he took biopsy's of.  Xxxx

  • Hello lovely I had mammogram, ultra sound and biopsies on day one and consultant said she was sure it was cancer but very treatable and early stages. She then sent me for MRI to see if it was in my other breast and also to see the placing of the said tumour, mine is a lumpy 5cm, I also had lymph node biopsy a day or so after. Last night I was told it is in my lymph nodes whereas the first ultra sound has them clear. This was after chemical was put in as part of the biopsy. During all this I have not felt any pain. However I was about to have a hip replacement just before discovering my lump and that has been put on a massive hold. The hip is killing me !!! 

    good luck, massive love and girls "we can do this" 


  • Is that why I've had to have a mastectomy because it is in ur lymph nodes. My doctor is pretty sure mine is by what he was from ultra. 

    fo u have to stay in hosp when u have it done. Cxx

  • I got something from the doctors for anxiety.  Makes you sleep. I relented and got Lorazepam 1mg up to 4 times a day. I find one is just fine. Consultant says he has no problem with me taking them. So obviously dont mess with the anaesthetic too much. Give your doc a call. 

    Well chilled out at the mo watching cheesy christmas movies. I'm sure there are some classic ones that are a lot better lol.


    #allinittogether xxxc

  • Gingergirl.......


    Oh God love ya...... I am gutted to read this.  Please try and be positive. I know I'm one to talk. But a full scan doesnt necessarily mean the worst. They could be double checking just to make sure its only got as far as the lymph nodes

    Yes you can do this. We are all here for you.and hubby.

    Sending positive vibes, love and hugs


    #allinittogether xxxxx

  • Hi lovelies, 

    Wow! Not been on since yesterday and all these messages! Such a bittersweet moment


    How is everyone today?


  • Aww I love a good Xmas film. It's definitely what we all need atm a bit of joy, 


    I am definitely going to call the dr Monday to get something cause the sleep is becoming a massive issues for me. 

    I hope ur feel ok tho in ur self xxx

  • Hi,

     I hope you don’t mind me joining your conversation! I’m awestruck by the support and positivity demonstrated on here-you are all amazing!

     I have a lump in right breast-can’t think how long I’ve been feeling it tbh but it suddenly occurred to me to see the GP! There’s puckering too, like my breast is trying to pull a face! 

     Have my appt on 23rd which seems ages away!! I’m a teacher and I don’t know whether to take the next day off! Do biopsies hurt the next day? Also if I get any lass than positive news will I be able to teach 26 x 9 year olds? 

    Sorry my worries seem frivolous compared to some of to you all!!xx