Swollen hard lump under right rib cage

Hi I'm worried about a swollen hard lump under my right rib cage I only noticed it on the off chance as there is no pain ect 


I've been to see my gp who is sending me for a ultrasound but its 3 weeks away  


Is it possible to be something harmless as I've done the usual and Googled it and everything is leading to liver cancer im 35 years old


It feels like its right on the last rib on the bottom and goes around slightly to the side 


I did ask my gp if he had any ideas he seemed to think it could be cartridge 


Anymore information needed just ask


  • I have these exact symptoms the ache get unbearable as the day goes on I've had an ultrasound but the sonographer said it all looked normal , the dr keeps saying that it's the bottom of my rib that I can feel but I'm adamant there is a firm lump there and it hurts to touch like a bruise they keep saying I must of bumped it and ribs take a long time to heel but I'm not satisfied 

  • I am waiting for an ultrasound and bloods. All the same symptoms as other people. Under my right rib. Sore but not painful. I keep trying not to prod it, but it's difficult. Also trying not to google stuff as the prognosis is t good. Dr has referred to it as a 'gallstone mass' I am so worried and anxious. Sorry, just needed to get that out. 
    thanks. .

  • Hi , did you get to find out what this is in the end? 

    im 25 and have exactly same thing. It started off as right sided back pain about 2 years ago which kind of felt like between the ribs then I started getting stitches on my right side also and one morning felt a big hard lump right under my right rib cage that goes to the side. It doesn’t hurt to touch but sometimes it gives me a stabbing pain, it feels “heavy” and I get a stitch every now and then. Ever since I found that lump I’m so paranoid. I got 2 ultrasounds done, bloods, x-ray and in 2 weeks time will be getting done an abdominal MRI. All doctors are saying everything is fine but can’t give me an answer to what it is. I’m so worried though because it’s a constant dull ache and a reminder ..

  • Hi. Did you get to the bottom of this. I’m feeling anxious as found similar 

  • Hi did you get this sorted out? I am feeling anxious as have a similar thing. 

  • Hi I’ve got this problem now did the gp say anything was wrong? All my blood and urrine tests have come back fine

  • Hi all - I see this is a really old post, but I have this issue! its been on and off for 8 years! apparently there is nothing wrong with me... but this time its been back for 2 months and i am freaking out again, even paid privately for a new ultrasound so didnt have to wait on nhs list.. but nothing.. I feel like my bottom right rib has a lump on it, really tender, then a tight feeling around my right side - all organs clear, no infections etc.. doctors just say its nothing, but it gets worse throughout the day and then overnight goes and we repeat the following day.. its honestly driving me insane!  worse when I am sitting down or driving... no pain as such but so uncomfortable..