Sore throat for 3-4 weeks - no improvement with antibiotics

So a bit of history I've suffered with ENT problems specifically sore throats since I was 17 getting minimum of 4 infections a year which would knock me out of commission for about 2 weeks at a time. Finally after 15 years I got my tonsils removed last year and I thought hallelujah it's over. Or so I thought I started then with chronic ear infections.


Anyway this year the throat infections have started up again and since the start of September I've had a chronic sore throat, loss of voice, no appetite (unusual for me!), not sleeping, and general pain in my throat and neck area (with it sometimes radiating up to my ears which I know happens as they are all connected) and feel like a lump in my throat. Obviously mindful during COVID and took my temp etc and not had one nor had a cough. Talked to my doc and they prescribed me good old Amoxicillin which is my usual for these infections in the past. A week later I felt no improvement so-called up docs again and had another phone consultation (joys of COVID) and they prescribed me stronger/more targeted antibiotics. Fast forward another week and still no better and getting really worried so call up doctor. They take my full history down and I go through all my symptoms and they ask me to go in for face to face consultation in an hour. I head over she inspects and see my throat is extremely red and inflamed and feels all my glands which are massively up. She calls the ENT at our local hospital for some advice as we are a bit reluctant to go on the third course of antibiotics and risk becoming immune.


ENT says they want to trial me for a week on omeprazole to see if acid reflux is causing all this even though my food intake has been severely reduced and I don't have any of the typical GERD symptoms. But at this point I'm so desperate will try anything. They have set up a phone call with the GP for next Friday and if I don't feel better by then they will then see me in ENT at the hospital or if I get worse to call GP up to chivvy it along.


I'm at my wit's end - has anyone else suffered like this? I just worry that there is something more ominous at play. The lump in my throat just feels like someone is strangling me and just fed up of being sick. I took a few days off work but due to everything that's going on and that I'm WFH at the moment I'm back at work just trying to distract myself.


Any advice or people who have suffered like this? Thank you!

  • Morning! 

    Sorry I've had so many appointments this  week I've lost track (other problems)

    MRI  went fine, I discovered closing my eyes and talking to myself throughout worked well! I was thinking of you too and hoping you wouldn't be fobbed off,  I hope they see you soon and its a good outcome. I'm just waiting for results now which is the most nerve wracking for me.

    Take care and let me know how things go.

    Take care


  • Afternoon :)


    How are you doing with your appointments? I hope everything has come back clear for you.

    Are you still getting symptoms?


    I had my US this morning and the good news is they couldn't see anything in the lymph nodes they said they are normal. There was one in the Thyroid but it was only 4mm and they said for them to be concerned has to be 10mm so they've given me the all clear there and pushed me back to my ENT consultant.


    I'm waiting for a physical appointment with him as he said he wanted to see me after all this and I haven't had any relief from my symptoms which have been going on now for 7 weeks and its just getting really hard :( I looked in my throat and it's still red raw and swollen and on the right hand side I can see a lump thats got a white/yellow tinge to it but isn't like the normal bactieral ones you see with an infection. It's around where my tonsils used to be.


    I'm just hoping that I get an appointment soon thinking if I dont hear anything towards end of this week I will have to call up and find out what is happening as not eating, sleeping, hoarse voice and feeling unwell for so long is just getting too much.






  • Hi there,

    sorry been on a muddy rainy walk on the beach with my grandson

    I'm still getting some symptoms although not as bad but my throat is still red. I haven't yet had the mri result back yet either!

    I'm so sorry you are still getting symptoms and feel unwell. You won't be able to settle until you have seen him face to face and maybe had an mri too, although its good news about the lymph nodes. The not sleeping won't help either!

    I'm sure you will get an appointment soon but as you say you can chase it up if needs be. Keep your chin up Gemma and look after and be kind to yourself, im thinking of you and sending lots of good positive wishes. I'll let you know if I hear anything  as I'm sure you will too.

    Speak soon




  • Morning

    Update as of today. I've had a call for a follow-up app with ENT specialist for next Wednesday. I'm worried now as in his letter after last app he said if there was nothing on mri I would be discharged but if there was any 'significant' pathology he would call me back???  Im quite edgy now, just hoping that he forgot what he put in the letter :confused:

    speak soon



  • Afternoon,


    Oh no, I am sure that it's just a formality. I've had letters for phone calls that go nowhere I think it's just part of the system. Try not to worry though I understand that is easier said than done!


    I had a call today with ENT center in central London that I was referred to back in May for reoccuring ear infections. After chatting to her she told me since they are all connected I should only be in the system once. However, she became very concerned when I replied letting her know how long I had had this hoarseness for and asked me what had been done so far. I told her about the bloods and the US on my neck and thyroid to rule out lymphoma and thryoid cancer but she was insistent on knowing if I was actually going to see the consultant. I explained I am hoping to get an appointment through in next few days as all the tests he requested had been done and he did say over phone he wanted to see me in clinic to do an examination. So she said she is calling up my GP now to get them to push this in person appointment as she says I need to have an endoscopy done ASAP and potentially a CT to rule out other bits and she asked me to also call the hospital up so tomorrow I will call them (as waiting to see if appt comes in post) and chase myself.


    She's booked me in for a phone call consult with herself again next week and if there has been no movement she said she will transfer my care to her team and get me seen ASAP. I was so relieved that I started tearing up! I only got 4 hours sleep last night and just getting too much now.


    I will keep all fingers and toes crossed for you that it is just routine for you and everything comes back all normal :)


    I've also sent you a friend request in case you feel more comfortable having this over private chat :)





  • Hello, 


    Wondering if you had an update on this? 

    I've been having problems since October 5th, started with swollen tonsil now it's painful to swallow and I feel like I have to force my body to be able to do so. 

    I've had bloods taken this week and I've been referred to ENT for suspected malignancy (based on my symptoms) I've had 2 lots of antibiotics which seem to have done nothing for me 

    I'm 27 and terrified. 

  • Hi

    I was wondering how you got on with your appointment/tests?

    My 15 year old daughter has been suffering with throat pain for a few years now. She had her tonsils out 2 years ago but it hasn't really helped. In the past 6 weeks she has been admitted to hospital twice as her throat and more recently ear pain was so bad she couldn't eat or drink and painkillers wernt working. They put her on intravenous antibiotics as markers for bacteria in her blood are high. She's in there 3 days and sent home with more antibiotics. 

    It just keeps happening, I feel so sorry for her she can't be a normal teenager.  She has had a camera down (although I think that was rushed as it hurt her) and they said they couldn't see anything. She also had MRI on her neck and that was clear.

    I am at a loss, they don't seem to know what to do and she's had so many antibiotics which isn't good either.



  • Yes I have had this ongoing, have had breathing problems and a lump feeling in my throat, ent said silent reflux which has scarred my voice box. I am on lanszoprazole maximum dosage and gaviscon. I have changed my diet which really helps and don't eat 3 hours before bed, if I can.

    If there's anything I can help with just ask.

  • I also have sleep apnea and have a machine but think I still struggle to breathe times and think it might be something to do with the noise I make inside my mask.

  • Hello 


    I have exactly the same symtoms and antibiotics have cleared up my painful sore throat and earache.


    just wondering how you got on with your diagnosis ...