Really worried about CA 125 results

Hi. I am 43 and for the last 2 moths have been going back and forth to my doctor's thinking I had a urine infection as I have needed to go to the toilet a lot more than normal. My urine tests have always come back normal and so I was referred for blood tests. My CA 125 level has come back as 39. I am not sure if that is really high or not but have now googled and read it can be an indicator of ovarian cancer. I  am booked in for a ultrasound and a transvaginal scan this Sunday and am terrified of what they might find. Has anyone else had a an above normal ca 125 and was it something simple.

Many thanks for reading. 

  • Please let us know how you go ,I'm sure you'll be fine but it is still very scary  Best Wishes Jenny x

  • So glad I found this thread I have just started my own before I read this feeling reassured, but be glad when i get my scan done next Wednesday.

  • Yes its a great site there's always someone willing to talk and reasure ,we've all been in that position when going for tests and scans etc whether good or bad news there are lots of caring people on here as well as the nurses they are great for worries and information ,I hope you get good news from your scan.

  • Hello, I'm joining the thread after I received a letter referring me for a US Pelvis in 3 weeks time. I checked my test results online to see my Serum CA 125 result was abnormal, so assume this is why. I haven't managed to speak to my doctor, only the receptionist at the GP, so am freaking out a bit that it's something really bad. Hoping for the best but 3 weeks is a long time to worry :( Slightly reassured by all the posts on here. 

  • Hi April_15, 

    I totally understand, I went through the same thing. I booked an urgent appointment with my GP and explained how stressed out I was with the waiting and they sent a letter to the hospital to get my appointment escalated to a few days instead of weeks.  Perhaps you could try that?

    My scans came back fine, they found 4 fibroids which they deemed as small, but I have a futher referral to the gynaecologist....that's in September but I'm going to go through my health insurance to speed it up. Good luck with your tests.


  • Hi Nads,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me, I appreciate it. I've got a telephone appointment with my doctor today so hopefully can get some clarity. 


    So glad your scans came back fine, I didn't know anything about this whole thing until yesterday, can't believe how many other people have been through similar. 


    Sending healthy wishes to you! x

  • Hi Nads, 

    I realise that this was a while ago, however I was wondering if you ever managed to get any answers for your ca125 levels? I’m currently going through similar with fluctuating levels and scans finding only small fibroids. 

  • Hi sorry to jump on this post but I also had a ca125 test along with other routine bloods done, not urgent the gp told me so I have all my other results on the NHS App but my Ca 125 is not available until the 13th October!! I can’t understand why? 

  • Hi all… new to this forum and wondered if any of you had any updates?

    I’ve been experiencing unexplained fatigue and dizzy spells, along with irregular (and now have seemed to have stopped) periods. I also have slot of bloating and cramps which come and go.

    After many blood tests, they checked my CA125 which was at 90.

    Similarly to all your comments, I am extremely nervous and this wait for the scan feels so overwhelming. 

    I’m wondering if anyone else has had any results back?

    And if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms - particularly periods stopping.