Concerned about armpit lump


I feel really bad about posting on here as I am very aware there are people with much bigger issues but would just like to hear some experiences of anyone who has had a lump in their armpit? 
About a month ago my armpit started to feel quite tender and had a deep, radiating pain in it which came and went, I shrugged it off because I remember having something similar when I was at school. However this time instead of lasting a day it was still sore a week later, so I had a feel in the shower and found a very small lump, about the size of a pea, immediately felt ill and tried to just forget about it thinking it would go away. 
It didn't go away a week later so my boyfriend told me to check with the doctor, a few days later I go an appointment and the doctor felt it and said he wasn't too concerned but because of the history of cancer in my family he would refer me to the breast clinic. 
the very next day the lump was doubled in size but all pain had left it. It was about the size of a marble at this stage. The lump itself is hard but doesn't seem to be attached to anything as It seems to move when I touch it. It no longer hurts but is very much still there weeks later. 
of course I googled all the symptoms (classic mistake) and am now worried about lymphoma, as I have been exhausted for months and around the time the armpit started to hurt I was experiencing night sweats but nothing severe.

I struggle with anxiety and know I have probably hyped it all up in my head but would still like to hear some good and bad experiences with armpit lumps? 
I have my appointment on Friday at the breast clinic and am a little bit terrified incase they want a biopsy as I am awful with needles

  • Hi WeeJodes, 


    Unfortunately I don't have any answers for you, but I am going through a similar situation. I've an appoitmemt with my GP tomorrow and am absolutely terrified. Typical me I googled what armpit lumps could be and it has me so scared. I assume most GPs would send people to the breast clinic once they're unsure of what it is just to make sure. 

    Just know you are not the only person going through this! I've read through many of the chats here and the support seems amazing  


    Hopefully you can let us know how everything goes at the breast clinic on Friday! I hope all is well for both of us x

  • Know how you feel. I too have a lump but mine is painful. Due to family history I have appointment on friday.

    Like everyone else we use Google get worked up and worry.

    I had a good cry then decided what's the point of worrying about something I don't know yet. 

    It could be fine I could not be. However what ever happens we will deal with it.

    Hope everything is fine for you on Friday. 

  • Yes it's awful. I feel like a good cry would do me the world of good but I just can't seem to get it out. The worry is the worst part. 

    I hope everything goes well for you you on your Friday check up! 

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your response, let me know how your appointment goes tomorrow I hope it all goes well! 
    I will update on Friday after my appointment, hoping it's either a cyst or fatty lump that is easily spotted on an ultrasound! x

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your response and sorry you are going through a similar situation it can be frightening. 
    Once I mentioned this to my friend she reassured me that she had a painful lump in her armpit for a while which was scanned and turned out to be a deep cyst, she told me that the doctor told her if the lump is sore it normally is due to your lymphatic system fighting infection, I hope this is the situation for both of us! 

    I too had a good cry before I pulled myself together! 
    hope all goes well on Friday for you x 

  • Hi!

    Just an update on my appointment at the breast clinic. The consultant felt the lump and immediately told me it is a swollen lymph node and nothing to worry about but they did take a biopsy to rule out lymphoma. 
    He reassured me everything else looks normal so I'm not so worried anymore.

    Will have results from biopsy within 2 weeks

    Also, biopsy wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it was going to be so that was a bonus!