Swollen Lymph Node in neck for 6 months

I've had a swollen lymph node in my neck for at least 6 months. Last month, I went to my GP regarding it and was sent for an ultrasound scan. After the scan I was told that it was just a swollen lymph node and nothing to worry about, however, I'm not sure why it is swollen and if it will ever go down. I have taken to google to try and figure out why I have this swollen lymph node and as you can imagine all that comes up is "cancer, cancer, cancer". Since the lymph node has been swollen, I have lost quite a bit of weight and experience migraines on a daily basis. I am always extremely tired and have lots of episodes of dizziness. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever had an experience in the past where they've had a swollen lymph node scanned and was told it wasn't anything but then later down the line found out it was cancerous?

  • hi i also have a swollen lymph node on the left of my neck you can't see it you can only feel it i saw 3 gp's i was so worried and they all said it's swollen lymph node gland from a viral infection he said my throat looked a little red on the left side that has now cleared up it's been 2 month since and it's still there and i'm still kind of worried but no where near as much 

  • hi i have the same issue and suffer with really bad health anxiety and it really makes me feel down i don't know what to do i've saw 3 gp's i was offered a chest x ray for reassurance but for some reason denied the offer as i had blood tests for cancer tumours skin cancer and bone cancer and i'm all okay i can assure you it's nothing to worry about i still worry about it my self but it's just our heads playing games 

  • Hey I'm in the same boat. Had a swollen lymph in left armpit back in April. Had two ultrasounds done and was told they were normal. Now I have a swollen gland on the right side of my neck. terrible taste in my mouth and my tongue feels numb. Went to an ENT he said throat was okay. But after meds (two antibiotics one antifungal) I still have pain. It can be sharp and even makes my ear hurt. Now I have pain in my groin on the same side. I have to call the ent again so I can get a scan on this to see whats going on. Just had my yearly thyroid scan last week, so waiting on the results of that. Idk if I just get crazy about health issues but this time around I actually have soemthing and no drug seems to be helping. Hell I'm about ready to tell them to cut this thing out of my neck!!

  • hi i think some peoples glands may just show but by the sounds of it you've had some sort of infection i also had a really weird taste in my mouth almost like metallic some could say taste of blood but it was gone after a couple days i also coughed up a little blood i saw my gp he felt my glands and listened to my chest he said it's a chest infection i saw 3 GPs and got very very similar answers i think we all just have bad health anxiety and think the worst when it comes to it no matter how many time i'm told i just don't believe anything even though they are professionals in what they do but i find it hard best thing i ever done was go for a blood test i got my kidneys checked i was tested for skin and bone cancer and also white cells in my blood cells to check for cancerous lymph nodes etc and all came back ok i did have a slight viral infection not too long ago but then another one came around i advise you to stop looking on the internet as everything i have searched such as "why is my phlegm dark yellow" and it says stuff like "go see your doctor as soon as possible most common causes for this are normal but also could lead to cancer" it's just scary when you look on the internet. hope you the best take care

  • I know, I have stopped trying to diagnose myself at this point. I'm just in constant pain from these swollen glands. My primary doc really stinks, they just keep handing out meds like candy, nothing has helped. I have no fever, but every day it's another new pain that keeps me up at night. My next step is to go to my dentist to see if this could be tooth related. Also I'm going to a new primary next week becuase this one can't spend more than 5 minutes with you. Anyway it's good to be able to vent on these posts. Thanks for your response.

  • Hi. This is exactly what I am feeling currently. Have been going on since I got my second shot of AstraZeneca 3 months ago. That's when I noticed the lump on the left side of my neck. Have my on and off day and lately been feeling very lightheaded, brain fog, dizzy. 

    i am curious how you are feeling now. Please keep me updated if you can. 

  • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../


    Please note this medical article relates to the common mistakes made in ultrasound when diagnosing lymphoma, it concludes that the only true way to diagnose is with a biopsy as opposed to ultrasound. Maybe take this to your dr if your still suffering symptoms, 

  • I am having the same issue since 2 months. I have done CT ,fanc, 4 times blood test , alternate days B12 injections. Doctors are still looking for the cause ....pain is unbearable.... waiting is killing me

  • I'm currently going through the same thing.. I have had two ultrasounds now and I'm waiting for results from the two scans being compared. I'm showing the same symptoms + other symptoms, nothings showing up in my bloods, one lump has turned into 3 and are showing up in different areas of my neck.. any ideas how to get doctors to take notice?

  • I wish I knew how to get them to notice! It's now over a year since the orginal post and the issue is still ongoing. More lumps appeared in my neck and gradually got larger over time. I put off going to the GP as getting an appoinment is so difficult and I fear that I will been seen as wasting their time going back for an ongoing issue. I finally decided enough was enough and went back to the GPs in September, she examined the lymphnodes and confirmed they were swollen lymphnodes, she also found some in my groin which I had not noticed. She took bloods after I described my tiredness, dizziness etc and suspected that the lymphnodes were due to glandular fever. Unfortunatly due to a shortage in blood vials at the time, she was unable to test for glandular fever, however said if the lymphnodes were still swollen in a few months that they will test for it then. My bloods came back as being low in iron and folic acid so I was prescribed tablets and told to come back in 3 months time. After finishing the full course of tablets I noticed no change in symptoms and unsurprisingly after about 2 years my lymphnodes are still swollen. I had the follow up blood test on Monday and this time they checked for glandular fever. This blood test showed my iron and folic levels had improved but my vitamin D was significantly low, it also showed that there was no evidence of glandular fever. I am rather concerned why my vitamin D is low as I am outdoors all day and often just in a tshirt even in winter. Although I am a vegetarian, I always find substitutes for vitamins and minerals, for example I eat lots of cereals which are high in vitamin D.

    Also went to the pharamcy to pick up my vitamin D prescription today and I asked for them to make sure they were vegatarian as sometimes the capsules contain gelatine, I also told them about my ongoing health conditions where in response I was told "I wouldn't have these issues if I ate a burger". Not what I needed when I'm worried sick about what is wrong.

    Anyway, I'm getting the new lymphnodes scanned so hopefully I will have an answer soon.