I've had a swollen lymph node in my neck for at least 6 months. Last month, I went to my GP regarding it and was sent for an ultrasound scan. After the scan I was told that it was just a swollen lymph node and nothing to worry about, however, I'm not sure why it is swollen and if it will ever go down. I have taken to google to try and figure out why I have this swollen lymph node and as you can imagine all that comes up is "cancer, cancer, cancer". Since the lymph node has been swollen, I have lost quite a bit of weight and experience migraines on a daily basis. I am always extremely tired and have lots of episodes of dizziness. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever had an experience in the past where they've had a swollen lymph node scanned and was told it wasn't anything but then later down the line found out it was cancerous?