Swollen Lymph Node in neck for 6 months

I've had a swollen lymph node in my neck for at least 6 months. Last month, I went to my GP regarding it and was sent for an ultrasound scan. After the scan I was told that it was just a swollen lymph node and nothing to worry about, however, I'm not sure why it is swollen and if it will ever go down. I have taken to google to try and figure out why I have this swollen lymph node and as you can imagine all that comes up is "cancer, cancer, cancer". Since the lymph node has been swollen, I have lost quite a bit of weight and experience migraines on a daily basis. I am always extremely tired and have lots of episodes of dizziness. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever had an experience in the past where they've had a swollen lymph node scanned and was told it wasn't anything but then later down the line found out it was cancerous?

  • Hope you get an answer soon! The waiting and not knowing is the worst.

  • Thank you! I'll have a read of it.

  • Hope you are feeling better!

    It's now over a year since the orginal post and the issue is still ongoing. More lumps appeared in my neck and gradually got larger over time. I put off going to the GP as getting an appoinment is so difficult and I fear that I will been seen as wasting their time going back for an ongoing issue. I finally decided enough was enough and went back to the GPs in September, she examined the lymphnodes and confirmed they were swollen lymphnodes, she also found some in my groin which I had not noticed. She took bloods after I described my tiredness, dizziness etc and suspected that the lymphnodes were due to glandular fever. Unfortunatly due to a shortage in blood vials at the time, she was unable to test for glandular fever, however said if the lymphnodes were still swollen in a few months that they will test for it then. My bloods came back as being low in iron and folic acid so I was prescribed tablets and told to come back in 3 months time. After finishing the full course of tablets I noticed no change in symptoms and unsurprisingly after about 2 years my lymphnodes are still swollen. I had the follow up blood test on Monday and this time they checked for glandular fever. This blood test showed my iron and folic levels had improved but my vitamin D was significantly low, it also showed that there was no evidence of glandular fever. I am rather concerned why my vitamin D is low as I am outdoors all day and often just in a tshirt even in winter. Although I am a vegetarian, I always find substitutes for vitamins and minerals, for example I eat lots of cereals which are high in vitamin D.

    Anyway, I'm getting the new lymphnodes scanned so hopefully I will have an answer soon.

  • I know this was posted over a year ago but my symptoms are still ongoing and seem very simliar to yours. Did you ever get an answer to what the additional swollen lymph node was?

  • hi, i have the same problem - i noticed a smallish lymph node in my neck about 2 months ago and a smaller one above it and another two also on my neck opposite each other and i'm really worried i'm driving myself insane. i've been to the doctors and they said if it's still there in another month they'll do more tests and i'm so worried because i just know it won't go down and i'm worried i'm going to eventually get more or they're going to gradually get bigger - they aren't that big the doctor said my biggest one was around 5mm which when i search up it says it's normal but then i'm also told that it's not normal if you can feel them? any answers would be great as i am losing my mind! did you ever get any answers for you? x

  • Any answers!?

    Hope you are ok x

  • Hi

    Im 18 and i'm literally in this exact same situation- Had an ultrasound was told there was no tumours presents just swollen reactive nodes all on my neck. 

    The only other symptoms i have had is some neck and shoudler pain. 

    Did you ever get to the bottom of youre problems ? I hope you are well 

  • I have been in the same boat I have lots of swollen lymph nodes in my neck it started as one in my left side now I have many in my left now there in my ear chin my throat and my right side it hurts I have 0 energy. I am scared it's something worrying I've done Econsults but doctors are not worried and keep saying it's OK. I finally see a doctor last week and have a blood test booked but what if it is serious and its too late I have 2 small kids I can't sleep I am so worried 

  • Hi what happened I have the same 

  • Hi what happened I have the same