Positive FIT test, so scared its bowel cancer



So for the past month or so i've been experiencing a change in stools and blood my stool, and more recently itching and throbbing down there. The results of my calprotecin test were normal and so was my Full Blood Count, but my FIT test was positve and i've been urgently referred for a colonoscopy. I'm really worried it's bowel cancer I'm 21 and I just feel like i'm going to be given the worst news, can anyone say anything reassuring to help me as waiting is so scary and I just feel so scared. 


Thank you!

  • I know the term urgent referral sounds scary but I hope it helps to know that 9 out of 10 people referred this way are not diagnosed with cancer. You can find out more just here.

    Hopefully some of our members who are in a similar situation will offer some support and reassurance to you soon but whilst you wait I just thought I'd include some information we have about the colonoscopy.

    I hope this helps and all goes well with your appointment when the time comes.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Hi [@scared245]‍ 


    I am in almost exactly the same position as you ! Positive fit, fc normal although ferritin was low. How was the colonoscopy ? 

    I hope all went well and it was good news :) 



  • Hiya!


    I had the colonoscopy a while ago, and everything looked normal! they suspect it was just hemorrhoids, but very relieving! Have you got a colonoscopy? i'm sorry to hear about your symptoms

  • I had a positive fit quite hightest , but a ct scan with contrast ( least invasive revealed nothing sinister that has spread so even if they go ahead and do colonoscopy I know nothing has spread and there can be treated I'm repeating the fit test if that's still positive having colonoscopy . I was worried sick but now I know nothing was on ct scan it's put my mind at rest already . I thought it's a good way to do it as you can get false positives on fit tests so if this ones negative it will spare me the colonoscopy which quite honestly I dread more because of prep . Hope this helps reassure you that it can be approached in stages 

  • Hi can you request to have the ct contrast before having a colonoscopy I had a positive fit test with lowish Ferrtin 11 ...all other bloods was normal...congrats on the results of your ct scan how did you get on did you end up having a colonoscopy after 

  • Hi can I ask how was the colonoscopy please and congrats on your results hun 

  • Hi thanks it was not a great experience I will not lie it's not the part of it being embarrassing etc or the actual initial bit where they start inserting but it's when they get higher up and turn the corner it won't s quite painful but near in moms everyone's intestines are diff and twist in diff places so not everyone is the same I wasn't sedated as I didn't want to stay after I used gas when it was to painful 

    are You having one ?? 

  • Yes should be within next 2 to 3 weeks  I had a positive reading of 24 and my iron stores are 11 I don't eat alot of iron anyway tho so maybe that as something to do with it ...all other bloods was normal ...I am freaking out about it all the procedure and what they might find...I'm not eating I'm actually that worried its making me actual physical sick...I am actually glad when I'm sleeping as its the only time I don't think about it ...as soon as I open my eyes the dread is back   its affecting my health big-time...how are you anyway and thank you for your reply. Can I also ask when it was painful what type of pain was it if that makes sense xx

  • My iron is always low I don't eat enough green veg or red meat to be fair .and hopefully they find nothing ,I still suffer with tummy pain to be fair and it's always a worry 

    the procedure is obv weird as it's not normal to be having something placed like that in the area but it is very tiny 

    the painful part I found was when they turn a corner in the bowel everyone's is difftent 

    use the gas and air if it's painful takes the edge of it 

    unless your being sedated ??

    tjen you won't know a lot about it 

    please keep me updated 
