Intermittent burning sensation in right breast.

Iam  21 yeras old male non-smoker , i started to complain from Intermittent burning sensation in right breast two years ago, i decided to see my GP after six months from the first day with the symptom, he told me that i have gyncomastia and he set an appintment for ultrasound to be sure,in the ultrasound they said that it is not a gyncomastia and there is nothing to worry about... also i made a blood test for hormones and everything was normal.
but by now it is almost two years iam complaing of that symptom and i dont know what to do,and iam afraid that this might be something dangerous, iam realy want to git rid of that symptom.
finally hope that someone will see this message to tell me what to do and how to get rid of of that symptom.

  • Welcome to the forum Keylor although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    It must be very frustrating contending with this symptom for such a long time but the only person that can help you get to the bottom of this is your GP so do be sure to go back and let them know what's going on and how much this is impacting on your life.

    If it's easier, and you have more than one doctor at your surgery, you could try getting a second opinion. To find out more just click here.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator