Melanoma on sole of foot ? Long wait for appointment So rea


Getting anxious and frustrated as I am waiting for a long time for a 2 week fast track appointment for query melonoma on the sole of my foot . When I ring up dept at hospital I just get answer machine that says  they are not answering phone because of covid . 

I am still in a bit of shock as I didn’t realise you could get cancer on the soles of feet so really wasn’t worried about what I assumed where blood blisters or bruises on my foot . I’d have left it if they hadn’t become painful . So really shocked when Gp mentioned melonoma . They are growing quite rapidly and I just feel I am stuck here watching them grow and it will be too late for treatment . Anybody got any news of how to deal with back logs because of covid ? Also anyone else out there with melonoma of the foot - never knew such a thing existed . Thought as no sun gets there it wa safe . 


  • Hi Sarah,

    How long have you been waiting for a referral? If it's way past the 2 week mark and you can't speak to anyone at the Dermatology department, I would suggest you go back to your GP. Tell them the wait & the stress is causing you great anxiety & can they either find out when you can expect to hear from the hospital or can your GP refer you to a different hospital.

    Melanoma can occur anywhere on the skin including the sole of the foot and palm of the hand. It's not common for moles to be on the sole or palm but any mole found in those areas is usually checked out. I had one removed from the sole and thankfully it was benign so not all moles on the sole of the foot are cancerous. Most melanomas on the sole are caused by genetics but they can occur because of sun damage too - if you think about it, sitting on a sunbed by a pool or on the beach for 2 weeks the soles are exposed to the sun depending on it's angle in the sky - and we don't think to put sun screen on the soles!

    I hope you manage to get an appointment through quickly & it all turns out to be fine. Please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient)