Hi everyone.
I'm pretty worried sick and I'm hoping to hear what is normal and if I should be worried.
Last year I had an abnormal smear. Which lead to a coloscapy. I had cells that looked abormal that they wanted to check again
Three weeks ago I had that check and was told the cells didn't looked to have changed (she said last time she would hope by the recheck they would have gone)
During this they took a punch biopsy.
This worried me
It's three weeks later and instead of an expected letter of results. I just have a letter of appointment through for mid NOVEMBER. With the gyno department
The websites I've read all indicate results are sent by a letter... Ya know, low grade..medium etc or some info
All I have is a letter of appointment for ages away.
This is worrying me... Are my results something so serious they can't tell me by letter? Not even results and a follow up to explain more?
I've tried to call the department to get some Info but it's Saturday and I'm getting nowhere
Could anyone let me know if receiving absolutely zero info on results after a biopsy is something to worry about? I'm not sure how I can manage not knowing till November. I feel like it's serious enough for a face to face chat and I'm really looking for some assurance and info
Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to respond