16cm mass+right ovary removed 4 months ago, worried again

Hey everyone.

I really could use some support, or just someone to hear me. 
I'm worried sick right now.

I had an emergency oophorectomy the end of April. I was having pains in my right flanks, lower back etc. I could only explain it as a UTI type of feeling, also high lukocytes in my urine for many many months. After not being listened to for a very long time, I eventually got sent for a CT scan, at this point doctors were just checking for possible kidney stones. 
The doctor came back to the ward and told me there was no kidney stones but a very big mass had been found on my right ovary, 16cm. I was in shock, in complete denial, you can imagine what was going through my head. I deal with bad health anxiety in general so this just absolutely broke me. I was rushed into surgery within the week and the mass and my right ovary was removed. Surgeon had told me my levels were ok but would not be able to tell me if the mass was cancerous or not until it was out and pathologists had checked it. The most numb 2 weeks of my life. It was like a daze.... Results came back as benign. I had never felt so grateful. I've been recovering amazingly and I've just been doing so well, until this month. All the symptoms have come back, I've started to have bleeding in between periods, pains, flank pain, and that UTI type of feeling, I'm also feeling the need to pee all the time. I'm a wreck. I'm petrified that I could have another mass or that it could be really bad news this time. I'm 22 years old, I have one ovary left, I'm just so scared right now I can barely make sense of how I feel. Been back to GP's a couple times to ask to be sent for a scan but being told it's only been 4 months there's no way another one could have grown back...?! 

  • Hello mol123x, 

    Welcome to our forum. It sounds like you've had a really stressful time and it must have been a relief when results came back as benign. You've done the right thing in going back to the GP's when the symptoms resumed. Make sure you describe all these symptoms in detail to your GP - mention that you are experiencing bleeding in between periods as well as all the pains and the UTI feeling you describe. Even if they decide not to send you for a scan, they will want to know about these symptoms and may decide to investigate further. If you feel that you are not getting anywhere, it may be worth considering getting a second opinion. You can find out more about this on this page

    I hope you feel better soon and that they manage to find what has caused these symptoms to come back. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator