Black Line aon thumb nail gone wider

My little one who is 8 started with a very thin light line on thumb nail & we actually thought its probably maybe his hurt somewhere, but then like after few months it formed into 1 whole line and then after 6 to 7 months its went wider so covers quarter of the thumb nail. Due to coronna could not go doctors but had to send in photos which were then sent to dermatologists, they then called and said dont want to worry you but we would like to investigate it more and do a biopsy and will send a quick 2 week referal. So basically it will be a year by the time they do a biopsy if they send one within the 2 weeks thay have said. I am so worried a si have been googling and seen photos which look like similar photos to melanoma or something. The nail i think does seem weaker from that area as very little chipped off other day. 

  • Hi,

    I know how worrying this is for you, especially it being your young child. Subungual melanoma is quite rare, it only makes up for 1% of melanoma cases in white Caucasians and 3% in dark skinned people (African, Asian etc). Along with the young age of your child the odds that this isn't melanoma are very high, as any type of melanoma is rare in people under the age of puberty. The only way to ensure a correct diagnosis though is by having a biopsy, so I hope you aren't waiting too long for the surgery and the results. Meanwhile, please don't Google - the information is out of date and it focuses on worse case scenarios so it isn't at all helpful.

    Good luck and please let us know how you & your little one get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Thank you very much for your response. It has given me some hope as last few days i have actually been diagnosing the worst via google. Would you know will the biopsy be painfull for him or will they puy him to sleep. 

  • They don't tend to give a general anaesthetic, usually a local. With him being so young they may give him a relaxant to make him drowsy but I would check with the consultant who will explain it all to you xx