Hi there,
I have had a stool sample come back with blood in it, so doc has referred me for a colonoscopy, I was wondering why they wouldn't check for hemmoroids first. It's worrying me that Iv been rushed through so quickly yet the doc telling me not to worry. I'm trying not too but hard when they testing you for cancer. I had CIN 3 when I was 19. Apparently I was smothered in cells and had laser treatment and years of endless biopsies only the last 6 years Iv been having normal smears. I don't know if that's why they rushing me or when I had a pelvic ultrasound recently it showed my organs normal but I had a swollen bowel and it was so painful the lady had to stop and couldnt look further. Are these connected or is it normal after blood showing to be rushed straight through? Sorry just trying to get my head round it all lol. Docs never really like to spend too much time talking to you ♀️
many thanks H x