Breast cancer with possible spread to lymph nodes in neck

Hi, I have been really worried. Last year I was diagnosed with BC Her2+ and I had chemo Fec-T and radiotherapy. I started zolendronic acid on Friday and I am still on Herceptin. Yesterday I went for an ultrasound to my neck. The radiologist spoke of finding 3 enlarged lymph nodes I think at the base of my neck. I am so worried it has come back and that prognosis will be poor. Has anyone had anything similar? IN other ways I am feeling well. Thank you. Xx

  • Hi Sunny-day

    I'm sorry to hear that the radiologist found some enlarge lymph nodes on your recent ultrasound. It's understandable that you're cconcerned about what these may be and what they may mean given that you've had breast cancer. 

    I would say that we seem to have a lot of posts here on the forum at the moment from people who have swollen lymph nodes so try to stay positive and remember that there could be a number of reasons other than cancer for this problem. 

    Have you spoken to your GP or Consultant about these findings? It's certainly worth giving them a call to talk things through and see if they feel further investigation is needed. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator


  • Thank you so much Jenn. I really appreciate your reply. I am feeling little bit more positive today. Xx

  • Hello sunny day

    Why were you sent for an ultrasound? Did you find the lumps?

    It may be that they are reacting to the radiotherapy. I had her2 and a couple of my lymph nodes in neck were larger than normal but they were benign. Did you have your lymph nodes out from under your arm? I'm sure its nothing to worry about 

    Julie x

  • Hi Julie, 


    Thank you so much for your reply. That is so reassuring. I went for an ultrasound because I thought my neck was a bit 'fuller' and my GP referred me. The bit I thought was problematic was actually muscle but the ultrasound doctor found the 3 enlarged nodes whilst checking. I did have radiotherapy but not to those nodes. I did though have zolendronic acid last weekend and my temperature went up to 39.8 so I am hoping it could be related to that. Fingers crossed. Thank you so much again for replying. I really appreciate it. Xx

  • Hello

    You're welcome. As you say I would suspect the high temperature would have caused the lymph nodes to swell. 

    How did you find radiotherapy? I'm due to start on Thursday and I'm getting really nervous about it. I'm finding the herceptin is making me a bit breathless as well. 

    Julie x

  • Hi Julie, I didn't have any problems with the radiotherapy at all. I was very lucky and the radiotherapists were amazing. I had it the 2 weeks before lockdown and spent the rest of my days buying pasta and loo roll! I never got tiredness or any problems with my skin. Have you had your planning session? For me the planning session was quite hard mainly because I had to have my hands above my head for quite along time and it was uncomfortable. The treatment sessions were absolutely fine. In the planning session I also found the breathing hard. My BC was on the left side so I had to breathe in a certain way during the radiotherapy. I was quite worried about it but in the actual sessions you get a monitor and it was fine plus the machine cuts out anyway if your heart is in the way. Please let me know how you get on. I only have 2 Herceptin left now. Horrible little stingy injections that they are. I have been ok on them apart from a few days of flu like symptoms when I first started them. They defintiely got better as they went on. Please let me know how you get on on Thursday. I forgot to mention that did have axillary node clearance in my op. Good luck with your radiotherapy. Xx

  • Hello

    Thanks for messaging me, yes I've had the planning session and yes mine is left side too so having to practice the breathing. I do hope I dont have any problems. I was so ill on the chemotherapy. 

    Some people have told me I will get exhausted with radiotherapy. I'm having 15 sessions or 5 fast intense ones? Not sure yet as to whether they decide that or me. 

    How big was your tumour? Mine took some shrinking! 

    Julie x

  • Hi my tumour was1.8cm I think but there was a 2.1 cm one in my axillary lymph node as well. It grew a little bit with FEC chemo but then shrunk alot during the T bit with Herceptin and Perjeta. I had a lumpectomy but went back for a further op because the margins weren't clear. Xx


  • Hello

    Well that's a coincidence as mine was 18mm so same and I had 2 lymph nodes affected so had full auxiliary clearance. I had a double breast reduction so they got it all first time. 

    Julie x

  • That's good they got it out first time Julie. Xx