Big toe nail melanoma

Hi everyone. I've never posted anything before, don't really do social media but having read some of the posts I thought I would share my concern. 
I found a bruise on my big toe nail some three or four weeks ago and it was by pure luck as I always wear nail polish. I noticed a black mark on my nail bed where the nail had grown. When I took off the polish I was really surprised as I haven't banged my nail or done anything to damage my nail. I left it thinking it would have grown out but looking at it again this week it's grown witdth ways across my nail but isn't growing out. It's in the same place is there is no gap at the side or nail bed. 
I called my gp and she is referring me for the two week appointment as a lot of you guys have mentioned. I have googled as I work at the hospital and it's something I need to understand. The findings aren't good reading but I appreciate that it could be a haematoma but I'm certainly thinking the worst. 
I've got busy shifts now for the next two weeks so just hope I can keep it together until I get an appointment. Very worried and keep thinking if I've had any other symptoms etc. This forum made me feel a little better so thanks, fingers x on a good outcome. 


    Hi Jo,

    Welcome to our forum. I am sorry to hear about your concerns, but glad to hear that you are getting them investigated.  Try to hold on to the fact that this is still more likely to be a sub-ungual haematoma than anything sinister. The nail takes about 8 months to grow up, so even the slightest sign of clarity near the cuticle, will signify good news.

    It's just as well that you are busy at work just now. This should help to distract you from the wait. Try not to Google as this will only cause more fear. Most of what you read there is poorly researched, outdated and aimed at the spectacular.

    Do please keep in touch and remember that we are always here for you.

    Fingers crossed!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jo1970,

    Jolamine has given you great advice, particularly about the time it takes for a haematoma to grow out. I had exactly the same as you - removed my nail varnish to find a dark mark under my big toe nail. Because I'm a melanoma patient it freaked me out but I knew that the chances of having superficial spreading melanoms (mole on skin) and then getting subungual melanoma were as rare as a Dodo. So I waited 2 months to see what happened & sure enough it started to slowly grow out - it took about 7 months to disappear.

    Now I'm not advocating that anyone should do that and you have done the right thing in getting a referral. To try & put it into perspective and try to slightly calm your fears - subungual melanoma only accounts for about 4% of all melanoma diagnoses and of that 4%, usually 3% are in patients with dark skin (African, Afro Caribbean, Asian and Oriental races). When you also note that 25% of patients referred to dermatology are diagnosed with melanoma, that means there is only 1 (if White Caucasian) in every 100 patients referred that are diagnosed with subungual melanoma. So the odds of yours being something easily treatable are very good.

    Don't Google - it's about 5 years out of date & fixates on the scare factor. The only things worth reading on the Internet are this CRUK website, Macmillan, The British Association of Dermatologists or any research papers covering SM (they are quite difficult to understand so the Conclusion is always the best part to read). 

    Keep busy and your appointment will come around quickly. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,



  • Thanks so much it really helps to have somewhere to come to for support. It's the unknown that is scary despite lots of positive feeds and outcomes. It's all relative isn't it to your situation and I'll try and stay positive. Only my hubby knows at the mo don't want to worry my son or parents, as they worry more than me!! 

  • Yes that's so true. I believe from the websites I've read that this is so rare but it still gives you that dread doesn't it. I've had cervical cancer some 15 years ago and benign breast lumps so it does worry. Mum has just recovered from breast cancer so it does just bother you that it's a possibility. Anyway, let's hope that it is just a bruise and nothing sinister. I do act on things and probably guess this has been there for about 7 or 8 weeks now. Fingers x and thanks for getting in touch really appreciate it xx

  • Hi, I just wondered how you got on? Did they take your nail off and some of the nail bed? I'm just going through the same thing x

  • Hi jo,


    I just wondered how you were getting on ? 

    I have just discovered a dark mark under my big toenail and it's worried me quite a bit. My mum had melanoma and it was under her toe nail too. I'm not sure if I should wait to see if there are any changes or if I should try get a doctors appointment straight away.


    take care 

    Alexandra x

  • Hi,


    how are you getting on ? X

  • Hi,

    I'm still waiting for my biopsy results unfortunately. Been nearly 4 weeks so I'm getting a bit inpatient now. 
