Superclavicular collarbone lump

Hi so back at the start of April I noticed a lump above my collarbone one day. It was more of a swelling - not hard at all just popping out from my collarbone at the base of my neck. I called the doctors who brushed it off. Done some bloods and they came back normal. About 2 weeks prior to the lump appearing Iv had a weirdly itchy back just the top half and more towards where the lump is (Iv had that ever since)  Iv also been getting fuzzy feelings in my chest. Not breathlessness but just weird things happening not feeling myself. This started a couple of weeks before the lump and it's just carried on. The lump has stayed fairly the same size but I do feel like it's got slightly bigger and aches a lot more now especially after a day at work. 

I have been back and forth to the drs on the phone a lot over the past few months as I'm so worried about it. I had a chest X-ray a few moths ago which was clear and a neck USS which they said was ok. I still have this lump, weird breathing and itch. No weight loss but I do think recently I feel bloated and very recently hot flushes. I had another neck scan today and they said they can't see any lymph nodes not even normal ones ? So don't no if the lump is blocking it or whatever. I said to the dr please can I pay for a private ct scan but he won't refer me, Iv had a lump for 4 months now, it's aching ALOT most of the time and still the other symptoms but no one is taking me seriously. I had bloods done again which apparently some things were out of normal limits but again wouldn't tell me what they are, I have looked at other people's collar bone lumps that have been diagnosed before with lymphoma  and they look exactly the same. All I want is to see a specialist/biopsy or even a ct which I would pay privately but the doctor constantly fobs me off. I have never been to the doctors most of my life before this and lead a busy life so it's not like I'm just overworryinh but this is getting me down now. 

does anyone have any suggestions at what I could do? Am

i over reacting or has anyone else been constantly

fobbed off with a superclavicular lump? 

thanks so much for any replies I get! 


  • Hi Jade, 

    I would not give up! You could book to see a different GP on the NHS or better still book a Private GP consultation. Left supraclavicular nodes can also be linked to the abdominal region so it would also be worth mentioning investigations around that area.

    You know your own body and how you feel. I would always go with my gut instinct, so don't give up. Even if it is for your own peace of mind.

     I am going down a similar route to you but I think that you are further down the road than I am.

     I noticed a swelling above my left collarbone at the beginning of June, I had never had anything like it before. I did an E Consultation with my GP Surgery that evening and they called me the next morning. A nurse practitioner decided that I should go in to the Surgery that afternoon.

     I went in (all masked up for Covid protection) and the GP had a good feel around. She didn't like the feel of it and because I had not had any symptoms of an infection, decided to refer me urgently to ENT for a consultation with a Consultant and a blood test.

    The blood test came back the following day and were clear, so no raised blood count or signs of infection. However, the day after I noticed my left swelling, I then found a right swelling. I too am suffering from itching, of the upper torso. Night sweats and hot flushes that I had previously put down to the Perimenopause. I have been having aches in those areas especially the left larger swelling. I also have been suffering with fullness and strange sensations in my right ear and pains in my front teeth. It has taken so long from my initial doctors consultation. My GP was very quick to respond and bloods results were next day but it took 3 weeks to get an appointment to speak to a Consultant and then another week to get a date for a US Guided Aspiration which was set for 2.5 weeks from that. So all in all my date for my US/Biopsy is this Friday and I feel like it has totally dragged since the beginning of June.

     I understand that with Covid 19 that there is a back log but I am so worried that if anything is seriously wrong then I have wasted a lot of time to get to this point.

    My advice would be to wait for the results from  your latest USS and depending on the results, if you are still concerned push for an Aspiration/Biopsy or book a Private GP Consultation with another GP for a second opinion.

    I hope that you get the results back very soon to at least put your mind at rest a little.

    Take care,
