How long did you wait for MRI results?

Hi Everyone,

My consultant sent me for an MRI on the 1st of July. Still no results at the moment and I have decided to call on Monday to see where they are.

Those who have had a tumour show up on their MRI - how long did it take to get the results?

Strangely I'm feeling more worried as the days go by with no results rather than the other way around.. probably because I have too much time to think about it.


Hope to hear from you soon!

- L


    Hi Zannz,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum and offer my sincere condolences. It must have seemed like a double whammy to get a diagnosis so soon after this happened. The results of some MRIs  can take longer than others, but I would have thought that they should be back by now. It might be worth phoning up again to see if they would chase it up again if they still have no reply. 

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I had my MRI scan 2 weeks ago and I they are saying I have to wait until the 10th of August to get my results I'm in so much pain

  • Hi. I had a head scan April 24th this year and am getting an ent phone call next week 12th July. So mine too has taken 8 weeks to come back. I thought also surely if it was bad they would call me sooner? I've rang 4 times in 8 weeks.and always fobbed off. Last one she said it was with triage. Hope that is normal. Only one more week now so fingers crossed. Good luck with yours.

  • My daughter (12 weeks old) had a follow up MRI yesterday (23 September) for a possible brain tumour after being diagnosed with hydrocephalus for which she had a shunt inserted at the beginning of August. 

    The radiologist said that I should hear back next week. However, we are going on holiday for 10 days (fortunately a staycation not too far from our house) and I wondered if I were likely to receive results/hear back via letter or a phone call.


    As you can imagine, I don't want to miss any communication from the hospital, so will pop back to the house if necessary. But if they are expecting to get in touch next week, would a letter get there in time?


    Would appreciate to know how most of you received feedback. Was it predominantly by letter or telephone call?


    Many thanks

  • Hi AKashu

    Sorry to hear about your daughter being unwell. I can only imagine the added stress this brings to your daily life. Hopefully you managed to get a rest on your staycation. Had you been contacted by the drs at all during this time?


    I had a head MRI myself 5 weeks ago today, and I finally managed to get in touch with the imaging centre, only to find out that the radiologists hadn't even run the report, so my referring dr hadnt' got a chance to see it yet, so who only knows how much longer I'll have to wait. It's all I can think about now and although I can only imagine the increased pressure that the hard working hospital staff and COVID wards are under in hospitals, it seems that elsewhere, COVID is being used as an excuse for poor service :/ I don't want it to sounds like I'm being dismissive of the staff and their workload, but I'm just at a loss as to why it would take 5 weeks to run a report I was told would be run immediately after the scan had finished :(

  • Hi,I've been reading some of the comments and I do hope everyone is now getting their results.i would just like to ask if when you go for mri scan does anyone question you about your symptoms first.I have had trouble since June with tinnitus, earache and falling over.although I am not dizzy.i have not spoke to a doctor face to face at all.i,ve just seen paramedics that sit in for doctors.They gave me antihistamine that did no good.another one gave me steroid nose drops.When that didn't work I spoke to doctor over phone.she sent me to ent clinic.The specialist did not want to listen to me.he said all looked OK.when I asked why I keep falling he just said I don't  know I'm just looking for cancer and you not got it.but I,ll send you for mri.He forgot I told him I get tinnitus as well as when I told him again he said oh do you.So I am hoping when I go for my scan someone asks me questions.Sorry if I sound selfish but I am worried like I expect all are.thankyou if any one replies.janet

  • Hi I'm just wondering how your appointment went my dad had an mri for back pain and he has an appointment on the 17th December 8 weeks after his mri scan we are all a little worried but hoping if it was something serious he would have been asked to go before 8 weeks 

    thanks x

  • My husband's been waiting 4 weeks so far for his MRI scan results and been told it could be another 2 weeks what's going on it should never take this long...

  • Hi Blingbling56, it took four weeks for me to realise that I hadn't heard to ring, they had said the waiting list was 'long' . At the end of the day, someone's life quality hinges on potential results, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with you ringing the company who did the scan;, either NHS, or private (which I ended up on as NHS waiting list was so long...)