How long did you wait for MRI results?

Hi Everyone,

My consultant sent me for an MRI on the 1st of July. Still no results at the moment and I have decided to call on Monday to see where they are.

Those who have had a tumour show up on their MRI - how long did it take to get the results?

Strangely I'm feeling more worried as the days go by with no results rather than the other way around.. probably because I have too much time to think about it.


Hope to hear from you soon!

- L

  • Wonderful news all clear. Am waiting on results from Mri had two weeks ago tomorrow. Nervous but hopeful time waiting is good news. 

    Is nice to see others waiting . 



  • I got my letter with my appointment before I had the scan. I had the mri scan Sunday. My letter came on the fri before booking me a telephone consultant. It threw me a bit because the letter said the call is to arrange my treatment plan, rather than results. 

    However my question is..

    Are all appointments with results done via telephone at the moment? Or is this still a positive sign. Although I hadn't even had the scan when I recieved it, just my ca125 blood test and ultrasound. Im so confused with it all. Please help

  • Hi all,


    I stumbled upon this thread looking for some guidance. I had an MRI 2.5 weeks ago, in tomorrow for my results. Hoping all goes well! 

  • Hi. Just reading through all your posts.. my husband had a brain scan 10 months ago.. we paid private for this scan and when we went to see the neurologist for the results we sat as he looked through them and he said he couldn't see anything and that what the radiography report saw ( possible tumour on report ) was just an artifact and nothing to worry about. My husband lost his father the previous July and the neurologist said that the symptoms he was having were grief coming out .. dizziness .. panic attacks. Months later after seeing another doctor for his symptoms they sent him for a further scan (nhs) with dye just to put his mind at rest and to be 100% sure nothing was wrong .. he had this 5 weeks ago and has just had an appionment to see the neurologist he initially saw after first scan . My worry is if nothing was wrong wouldn't they just call and tell him or do they like to discuss results via appionmtment either way - good or bad results ? 


    Hi Greenapple,

    I have just come across your post and notice that nobody has replied to you. A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I hope that all went well with your results yesterday and, remember that we are always here if you need us.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Churchy,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am so glad to hear that your husband's first MRI was clear and hope that this one turns out to be too.

    It is impossible to say whether it's good or bad news. Many consultants are giving bad news face to face and good news via letter or phone, but there is no hard and fast rule. Other consultants prefer to give all results face-to-face. 

    Even if this is only to give good news, it is far more reassuring than receiving a letter and not being able to ask any further questions. 

    Please let us know how he gets on. We are always here for you both.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello,which type of cancer do you have,which stage?How you feel now?

  • So glad to read and see everyone so supportive of one another. 

    My mother got told on the 2nd Nov that she has Ovarian cancer, she had an mri scan on 26th Nov. Was told have the results by 30th Nov, she then got told a week after the Mri scan they've booked an appointment with consultants. She finds out the results today at 4.10pm. 

    Struggling to be her rock through all of this especially with the covid conditions, I've not seen her since 4th Nov due to tier 3 rules.

    Hope everyone is doing all okay

    - HJ 

  • Hi Bubsy. I was told after my MRI it will take 48 hours for the result. It made me worried as well. Can I ask you what was your result? 


  • Hi im now over 2 weeks , still waiting on mri .... any suggestions on how to hurry up and get my results ?