How long did you wait for MRI results?

Hi Everyone,

My consultant sent me for an MRI on the 1st of July. Still no results at the moment and I have decided to call on Monday to see where they are.

Those who have had a tumour show up on their MRI - how long did it take to get the results?

Strangely I'm feeling more worried as the days go by with no results rather than the other way around.. probably because I have too much time to think about it.


Hope to hear from you soon!

- L

  • Hi quirky_mouse & shanlumers,


    Waiting for results is the absolute worst... I am really grateful to have this forum and each other to speak to while we wait. 
    Please do update this forum with any news, I will keep my fingers crossed for all of us <3 

    - L xx


  • Hi!


    just checking in to see how you are all doing? As my appointment isn't until next Thursday I'm still in the dark but actually I'm feeling quite relaxed about it right now. After the initial shock I'm ok again. Just wanted to send some love out 


  • Hi! 

    Thanks for checking in!

    My appointment is next Tuesday so not too much longer now. Honestly, I keep switching from really worried about it to calm and relaxed, which is pretty exhausting . Especially at night I imagine how I would react if I'm told bad news which is not good at all. 


    I am also trying really hard to keep an open mind and expect anything so I'm not surprised (don't know how that will work out though...)


    I'll update you on Tuesday (hopefully with good news!)


    Sending love to you all!

    - L xx

  • Hi L97


    I am so sorry for you and everyone else on this post. I really will keep everything crossed for you all xx


    It's been a harrowing time, what with Covid-19 and then all the additional health worries. I had a MRI scan back in June which was meant to be for my gallbladder, liver and spleen and when I got a letter about 3 weeks later it just mentioned I have gallstones of which I knew about one of them, so not too much of a shock, but thought everything else was fine. Then I got a phone call to say that could I come back for another MRI scan for the following week (last Thurs). The secretary said it was for my liver and spleen, so did they only scan my gall bladder who knows! I've now had the MRI which was quite different to the previous one. The first I had to drink over a litre of water and this one was a complete fasting for 4 hours before the scan and an intravenous contrast dye. I have other recent health issues and now have to see the doctor on Tuesday (not MRI results). 


    Thank you for posting on this forum, it helps a lot. 


    Healing hugs everyone. 



  • Hi LM!


    It really is an awful time to be having health concerns and I'm sorry to hear you are also waiting for results.

    The closer I get to Tuesday the more anxiety I get. My heart starts racing every time I think about that phone call!

    I really, really hope every turns out well for you and I am so happy you joined this forum so we can support each other through this time.


    Sending love to you all.

    - L xx

  • Hi L. 


    Thank you for your lovely reply. It is very comforting to know it's not just me feeling very anxious, although sad too, to read yours and other posts going through this. I bet it has seemed like a very long weekend for you :(


    I really hope to hear that all is well on Tuesday, or when you feel up to updating us on your results. Sending you all love too and of course the healing hugs are a plenty.


    Take care and stay safe xx



  • Offline in reply to L97

    Hi all!


    MRI scan was clear of any tumours which is (of course!) great news. My treatment will be pain management in the form of steroid injections.


    Thank you all for supporting me and being so reassuring during this stressful time.

    I hope the best for everyone's health and results!


    Love & hugs,

    L xxx

  • I’m so so happy for you L96! I hope the pain management goes well x x x
  • Hi I'm new to this but I read your post and wanted to join in. I had my mri yesterday and was told before it that I'd be waiting up to a couple of weeks. Then afterwards I  was told I'd hear something in the next 2 days. This worries me. I hope you got good results, it's so worrying. X

  • Hi L97

    Fantastic news! How the pain is manageable take care.
