How long did you wait for MRI results?

Hi Everyone,

My consultant sent me for an MRI on the 1st of July. Still no results at the moment and I have decided to call on Monday to see where they are.

Those who have had a tumour show up on their MRI - how long did it take to get the results?

Strangely I'm feeling more worried as the days go by with no results rather than the other way around.. probably because I have too much time to think about it.


Hope to hear from you soon!

- L

  • Hi,


    I got my results a week later. Maybe it depends on the hospital you attended.

  • Hi there

    I got my MRI results the following day, apparently they are ready almost immediately but have to be read by a consultant.


    If you're feeling anxious call your doc or consultant as they should have the results by now.






  • Good morning,


    i was was just wondering if you’d had your results back yet! Or any kind of update? I’m in the same situation

  • Hi!


    I tried to call the department today but no one answered.

    I'm going to try again tomorrow morning.


    Hopefully you hear something soon as well


    - L

  • Offline in reply to L97

    Just a quick update!

    I called the department this morning and an appointment has been booked for me for the beginning of August and a letter has also been sent.


    Not sure what to make of it to be honest... Should I be less worried that there's a month between my MRI day and my results day? If it was urgent I'm sure I would've had an appointment before now, but maybe not?


    - L


    Hi L97,

    I'm glad to hear that you now have an appointment to get your results. Try not to read too much into the delay. I don't want to 'rain on your parade' , but to be realistic. The Covid pandemic has upset a lot of time schedules, so this could still go either way.

    That having been said, I sincerely hope that you get good news. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,


    Thank you so much for your kind words!


    I received my letter just now and it says my appointment is by telephone. Again, not sure what to think about this but I'm hoping for good news (although I'll try to be prepared for anything)


    - L xx

  • I'm so sorry that you still haven't had your results. I am also in the same boat, awaiting my results. I'm so nervous for you and me. The anxiety is so high, I can't sleep

  • Hi L97 and Shanlumers,


    I also had an MRI scan and fully expected a letter to say 'nope! We found nothing other than you're a fine specimen' but I have to go in for  a face to face consultation next week. Not sure what to think. It's knocked me for six but perhaps it's still just part of the process? I went in due to ear pain and the consultant  at the time said it was unlikely they'd find anything but just to rule things out, but now my mind is racing! I've no idea what to  expect. I'd be hugely grateful to know how you both get on and I'll update too. Much love  xxx 

  • Hey Quirky Mouse, 


    I'm sorry to learn that you are also experiencing such worry. Fortunately, we are all in this together.


    Hopefully we will all be fine, but we have each other! 

    If I hear anything I'll update you both as soon as possible. The longer this goes on the more concerned I am. Unfortunately my vision keeps coming and going (I usually have 20/20 vision) so I'm left being unable to read/do my normal activities.


    fingers crossed x x