Brown vertical line on thumb Nail

I have noticed now over several weeks gone by that there is this ugly looking vertical line on my thumb. Its brown / dark orange in colour and can say I noticed this about feb/March time. Can't be certain on dates but definitely before lockdown started. Also my nail has become come what deformed with ridges, pitted in places and looks like it has humps! I feel silly bothering my GP with such a silly issue but after seeking 'Dr Google' as you do im slightly concerned now more than before. Its thrown up several pages that lead to the same thing! My nail broke a few weeks ago but as it did I have notice the skin or nail bed (top part of my finger) is discoloured underneath too which leads me to think it's not soley in the plate itself. As my nail has grown its has continued too. Any help ideas maybe as I don't think I can attach a photo. Tia. 



Ps 36yr old mother-of- 2 and no underlying health issues that i know of and no change in diet, medication. Havent hit thumb casuing any trauma to it or have nail extensions. 

  • Hi,

    You really need to see your GP - you won't be bothering them at all as you may think it's a 'silly issue' but it isn't.  Most GP's are doing telephone consultations and then asking for patients to email them photos of what is troubling them. From this they will either decide to try & treat it as a fungal infection and prescribe cream to try or they may think it's not fungal (or trauma which you don't think is the cause) & may refer you to dermatology for the experts to take a look. So please make that appointment now as you don't want to leave it any longer. Good luck and please let us know how you get on.

    Angie (melanoma patient)