Swollen groin lymph nodes

Hey everyone, im just asking for advice please. 

I went to the doctors just generally feeling unwell. I Kept getting very flushed constantly everyday and feeling very sick and weak all the time. 

I also felt a bit irritant down below. 

They done a full examination, took swabs, bloods etc.

I had extremly swollen lymph nodes but the swaps and bloods came back i had a bacterial infection, low iron & low folic acid.

I took antibiotics for the infection and returned to doctors 2 weeks later.

My lymph nodes had got more swollen and everywhere felt tender to the doctor. I also start getting grey patches down below too.

The doctor referred me urgently for a ultrasound & to see a gynaecologist.

Im still waiting now 3 weeks later but feel so sick more tha  ever now, keep getting shooting pains in my chest and down below & not a great appetite atal.

Noticing these grey patches are not fading away!

Has anyone any idea whats happening, im burning up so much but no temp

  • I'm at the ENT next Wednesday got appointment last week after seeing our doctor and understand it's very worring and all sorts of things are going around in your head, I've swollen lymph nodes in my neck and I did mention they were and the reply was your allergic to something you're eating so got tablets I bought at the chemist.

    I have been many times and once told it's because you fat that wasn't a answer I needed to hear thought it was rude....Then one said I'd no lymph glands what was she doing as a doctor if we've not got any wasn't at all happy about that thought I must be losing the plot. My lymph glands are swollen under my arms one arm is 3 inch bigger than the other but had been really swollen and on my neck and shoulder Hunchback of Notra Dam for 3 days and I'd didn't much because of the virus  and our medical centre is closed caring for virus victim.


    Sweating every night windows wide open no covers and hurting in differant places I felt like I was imaging it all but felt tired and drained, my hair falling out and the front headline as started to go that does worry you so you do have all kinds of sanareo's in your mind.


    I've a cyst in my left kidney a bosniak complex 2f 10cm so I'm thinking as it spread gone to my lymph glands and not dormant any more pains in my left side being my ribs ear ache hear and there. Dentist took 2 teeth out left the roots in my gum sticking out so when false teeth are in it's painful to eat.


    I understand we try not to think we haven't nothing nasty but I looked after my stepfather for 12  years first with throat cancer then it spear to his lungs and every where and I was thrown in the deep end as his nurse over 2 years of 24/7 care in my own home then at his bungalow every day.


    But seems it can be infection but had it over 2 months even lightly to be my teeth and the dentist has been closed while the pandemic has been going on, so I hope all of you are okay and nothing nasty I'm putting the thoughts away and just wait and see next week.


    Try enjoy your weekend and God bless you all