Gynecologic oncology referral

Well tomorrow is my appointment at the hospital for the two week wait referral, to say I'm absolutely terrified is an understatement, I just don't know what to expect.

im not being hopeful as my doctor that referred was not positive at all she was actually quite blunt that she thought it was something serious. 

I'm expecting the worst possible outcome but I'm putting on a brave face for my loved ones around me. 

  • Hi Kizzimart


    its best not to think of the worst possible outcome before you’ve even been, but I appreciate it’s a worrying time for you. In my own experience, at my referral, the gynaecologist asked about my symptoms, my family history and then did an internal exam during which he did a hysteroscopy (small camera to take a look) and 2 punch biopsies. However this may not be the same as your appointment. I had the biopsies because I actually had a cervical tumour which was visible to the naked eye. 


    I wish you all all the best for your appointment and if you have any questions I may be able to help with, please let me know. 

  • Hi [@Minska]‍ thanks so much for your reply


    what worries me is my GP was very blunt saying she thinks it's quite bad as my cervix does not look healthy at all, bleeds on examination and is quite lumpy or "craggy" as she described it. 
    Other than that the only other problem I have had is an on/off pain, well like a dull ache that comes and goes in my hip, the fact she could see that my cervix so bad looking has actually scared me as obviously if it looks bad to the naked eye it could be bad. 

    what was your outcome after the biopsies? 

    I hope all is well with you 


  • Hi Kizzimart


    I’m sorry your doctor was so blunt with’s really not helpful for worried patients. My doctor was quite the reverse I have to say, so I didn’t really worry about my referral. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer-I’ve had it twice now in the last 18 months, and have had lots of treatment and 2 surgeries, with the last major op removing the cancer completely. But I would stress that I’m not quite a typical case! My first round of chemo and radiation did give me a “no evidence of disease” outcome. I was just unlucky it came back..but I stress I’m doing very well now! 


    I know you will be scared, but there still could be a more straightforward explanation than cancer and you need a gynaecologist to examine you to be certain of what’s going on. Even if it’s worst case scenario, cervical cancer treatment can be extremely successful, and I really hope that things are not as bad as you fear. xx

  • [@Minska]‍ 


     I know doctors have to inform patients of all necessary or possible outcomes but she entirely filled me with fear, especially at 29 with no children so far. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook at the moment and hoping no matter what it is that I can have some treatment or surgery to hopefully help with regards to whatever is seen at the Appointment.


    im sorry you've had to go through this twice now, it's absolutely awful but I'm also glad you're doing well. I will try to keep up beat and not worry too much until I've had my examination again tomorrow and will let you know how it's gone if you don't mind? It's nice to have someone to talk to xx

  • Hi Kizzimart


    Please do keep in touch-I had no-one initially apart from my partner to support me as I was quite private about my diagnosis and it was difficult. It was hard not to scream about it sometimes but I didn’t tell people I had cancer until my treatment was finished. I’m not sure now that was wise. 


    Anyway, I float about here every day and am happy to help and support you if I can. I feel very sad that your doctor scared you so much. My doctor could actually see my tumour but didn’t say a word at the time, so maybe I was lulled into a false sense of security! On reflection though, it was better than making me scared. xx



  • Hello,


    just curious to find out how you got on and what sort of things they discuss at first apt as I have mine on Wednesday x