Hi everyone,
24 year old male here. Over the past 8 weeks, I have been experiencing night sweats, intermittent fevers, petechiae, itching, pressure in chest - combined with a growing lump in my Cervical lymph nodes in my neck, and a lump on my left supraclavicular area. The lumps are not tender, nor do they feel warm or hot, they are hard and don't move when pressed.
I went to the doctors 3 weeks ago (23rd June) who sent me for a CBC the same day, and I had the results the next day - high white blood cells and lymphocytes a on the bottom end of the expected range. We were able to exclude any viral infections as I have been living alone for 2 months and not really going out (doing my lockdown bit), so the doctor sent me through the ugrent referral pathway for suspected haemetological malignancy (29th June). I got a call that same day from the haemotologist who asked to see me first thing the day after.
Haemotologist had a feel and also came to the same conclusion there were no viral infections playing part. So I had more bloods taken for other things to give a wider picture of what was going on. Results came back same as before, low lymphocytes, high white blood cells, and blods were also tested for viruses to back-up the doctors thoughts. No viruses found in the bloodstream. Fevers, nightsweats, itching, lumps, petechiae and chest pressure still continuting at this rate (and now also have pain in the top left of my abdomen, which is a suspeted enlarged spleen, pain is worse bending down or sitting) So, I was referred for a CT scan to see if there are any other masses in my chest, abdomen or pelvis, and to get detial on the ones I already have. Just waiting on the results of this now and then will have an appointment for a biopsy.
Just wondering if there are any others' out there who have been through a similar experience - I am aware that I appear to be very lucky with the doctor I have as they didn't waste any time with referral and everything seems to have moved rather fast... though this is raising my suspicions a little that perhaps I am not on track for a benign condition.