Just after some advice. I have been suffering on and off with pain in my left ribs for 18 months. After eating a meal this pain is almost unbearable. I get a stabbing when breathing, pain in tip of left shoulder and lower back left side. I had a ovarian cancer test done last year and all clear. However the pain is now becoming almost constant and worse when I eat. I have had a drastic change in Bowen habits and over the last 3 weeks have had diarrhoea or constipation.
I feel very sick and have a very painful neck (not sure if neck is related). I am very tired most of the time and am sweating more than usual doing the smallest tasks such as getting dressed.
I recently went back to the doctors and they have given me IBS tablets which have not helped. Today I went to A&E as the pain had kept me awake all night and when entering my symptoms on the 111 checker, it told me to go. The nurse felt my tummy and has said it is due to stomach acid. She gave me some tablets along with pain killers and said wait for my scan next week.
I know I can't get a diagnosis here but being told this is stomach acid has confused me. I do not suffer from heart burn or indigestion. Has anyone else had these symptoms for stomach acid?
I really feel that these symptoms are due to a spleen infection or enlarged spleen as all the symptoms meet that criteria. I have also lost 7lbs in 10 days. I believe this is because I'm feeling full and scared to eat. I have been eating small and often.
I am also worried that when googling (I know I shouldn't) lymphoma crops up and many stories relate to mine.