Waiting for a cervical biopsy

Hello all, 


Eight months of terrible symptoms (unexplained mid cycle bleeding and irregular periods for the first time in my life, bleeding and pain during/after intercourse, discharge, and severe lower abdominal cramps throughout my cycle) led me to finally get a long-overdue cervical screening a few weeks ago, and other tests, to see if anything was going on. My cycle has always been regular, with no pain or bleeding outside of my period, so these symptoms are highly unusual. I'm 32, do not have children, and have had the same partner for almost a decade. 


My blood tests and transvaginal ultrasound was normal (there were no ovarian cysts or evidence of adenomyosis etc), but my pap smear returned a positive HPV result and a possible low-grade lesion/abnormal cells. Because I'm sympomatic, my doctor has referred me for a colposcopy/biopsy, but said that my results would otherwise ordinarily not warrant immediate investigation (but rather a 12 month follow up).


I'm not too concerned at this point, as I know cervical cancer is extremely treatable if caught early, but I'm curious to see if anyone here had only a mild abnormality in their pap smear that turned out to be cancer? It's odd that I'm experiencing these sudden symptoms when I've read that most women in my boat (i.e. people with mild abnormalities) would ordinarily have no symptoms. 


Many thanks for your insight!

  • Hi.Im so sorry to hear what you are going through. I'm in the same situation .Had biopsy and waiting for results. They found cyst 4cm on ovary and my endometrial thickness is too thick. I had bleeding for months which is why I got referred. The wait is awful. I rang my gynecologists secretary last Friday. Was told biopsy back but obviously she couldn't give me results. Requested phone call back. Nothing has happened. I am desperate to get my result.I know what you are going through and its horrible Hope you get good news soon.