Hello Everyone!
Here is my story so far. Around 3 months ago I noticed a swollen lymph node on the right side on my neck, I phoned my doctors who told me to wait 3 weeks to see if it is still there and if it is to call back. 3 weeks passed and it was still there so I called again and they asked me to come in. I saw a nurse who had a feel and said it didn't seem like anything to worry about but to come back in 4 weeks if it is still there. So I waited another 4 weeks and phoned back as it hasn't disappeared. I saw a different nurse this time and she seemed more worried than the last one. She immediately commented on how unwell I looked. She checked me over, felt my glands and said that my body is definitely trying to fight something. I asked her if she thought it could be something serious like cancer and her response was 'I wouldn't hedge my bets' and 'just try to stay calm' and then ordered some bloods to be done. Yesterday I spoke to a doctor on the phone who checked my blood results and said she was happy with them and they came back all clear but wanted me to have an ultrasound to be on the safe side and for some peace of mind for me.
I suppose I am looking for a bit of advice and some success stories to help me stay calm while I wait for my Ultrasound appointment.
Thanks for reading.